Teenagers from the city of Shanghai have the best education in the world, according to a major international study of standards in maths, science and literacy released recently.
Teenagers from the Chinese city of Shanghai have the best education in the world, according to a major international study of standards in maths, science and literacy.
Teenagers from the Chinese city of Shanghai have the best education in the world, according to a major international study of standards in in maths, science and literacy released Tuesday.
The issue has already been aware of by the educators. In order to fill the gap between the science and the technology education, one way is to improve the citizen's scientific literacy.
The importance science education in fostering science literacy of students has aroused widespread concern.
Teenagers from the Chinese city of Shanghai have the best education in the world, according to a major international study of standards in in maths, science and literacy 1 released Tuesday.
Through the above study the conclusions are as follows: 1) establishing a High school students' scientific literacy education oriented science—educational television programs evaluation index system;
Through the above study the conclusions are as follows: 1) establishing a High school students' scientific literacy education oriented science—educational television programs evaluation index system;