Her speciality is maths, earth science, and chemistry.
Dividing subjects into science, maths, English, etc. is something we do for convenience.
In the state sector, the excessive focus on English, maths and science threatens to crush arts subjects; meanwhile, reduced school budgets mean diminishing extracurricular activities.
In the past decade, we have seen a considerable increase in England in the number of women accepted on to full-time undergraduate degrees in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem subjects).
在过去的十年里,我们见证了英国攻读科学、技术、工程和数学(Stem 学科)全日制本科学位的女性人数的大幅增长。
Dividing subjects into science, maths, English, etc.
In addition to being tested, students in the project were asked how proficient they thought they were in maths and science.
The study shows that boys generally did better than girls in science, but there was little difference between them in maths.
English, Maths, ICT and Science are compulsory subjects.
Though Einstein did well in maths and science he failed in many subjects.
In Chicago ninth-grade students were rewarded on a sliding scale for good grades in five courses, including English, maths and science.
For centuries, maths has been the main driver of science and technology, and the results have transformed our world.
And so they started educating their children earlier and longer, with greater emphasis on maths and science.
In the OECD's last assessment of 15-year-olds in 41 countries, Japan remained a healthy second in science, but had fallen from first to sixth in maths and from eighth to fourteenth in reading ability.
In the World Economic Forum's latest Global Competitive Index it ranks bottom (out of 133 countries) in both maths and science education.
So are grades in local schools for subjects such as maths and science, prerequisites for good jobs at Rolls-Royce and the firms that surround it.
From the beginning of the next school year in August, maths and science students in California's high schools will have access to online texts that have passed an academic standards review.
In maths and science,the results tend to imply that both boys and girls benefit fromhaving more girls in the classroom.
Others, such as Massachusetts, have long expected 16-year-olds to sitexams in science, maths, English and history.
In maths and science, the results tend to imply that both boys and girls benefit from having more girls in the classroom.
In this global ranking, it came fourth in reading, second in maths and third in science.
Drop-out rates in some subjects are shocking: the Royal Society reckons that half of maths and science teachers leave within five years of starting their training.
Yet in international maths, science and reading tests it performs abysmally.
Most of the information for parents on schools' performance comes from the standard-assessment tests (SATs) in English, maths and science that children used to take at seven, 11 and 14.
It is now regarded as the preferred elite choice, even by literary types with little interest in science or maths.
而现在即便是那些对科学和数学不太感兴趣的文科学生也青睐Bac S,将它列入了首选。
Schwarzenegger plans to launch the scheme in August next year when California's high-school pupils will have access to online maths and science texts.
It is behind relatively poor nations such as Estonia, Poland and the Slovak Republic in reading, maths and science.
It is behind relatively poor nations such as Estonia, Poland and the Slovak Republic in reading, maths and science.