The classification of scientific document is an important component of scientific document database.
The identification of earthquake scientific documents is an important work for the document management departments.
Japan's critics say that by using a loophole in the IWC charter to practise "scientific" whaling, the country is violating the spirit of the document.
With the help of the Nutritional Research Project, I am in the planning stages of a scientific study that will document the extent of atherosclerotic plaque regression on the nutritarain diet.
The document will be submitted to Reviews of Geophysics, a scientific journal, Hansen said today in an E-mail.
这份文档将会提交给《地球物理学评论》,一份科学杂志,汉森今天在一封e - mail中说到。
This document is intended to familiarize the reader with the use and misuse of radar by examining basic scientific and engineering principles in detail.
This thesis shows how to use digitized technique to achieve scientific management and improve efficiency of work in the management of conference, document, information and data.
This paper uses the method of historical and document research to observe the mental health theory of Taijiquan and its scientific foundation.
ConclusionThe construction of a digitized library in hospital should focus on its document collection and storage, which requires scientific decision and careful management.
Publications are the central product and lasting legacy of scientific and scholarly research. They document and explain discoveries and results in a precise fashion.
To 'decent folks' it was the most morbid and perverse film ever made, while others hailed it as a sober and scientific yet thoroughly human document.
As a statistical result of document metrology, core journal is a quantitative way of evaluating journals and findings of scientific research.
The application document of scientific research is the important carrier of scientific research, and also a mirror reflecting the level of respect-work spirit of researcher.
The document will be submitted to Reviews of Geophysics, a scientific journal, Hansen said today in ane-mail.
这份文档将会提交给《地球物理学评论》,一份科学杂志,汉森今天在一封e - mail中说到。
Typical aero scientific and technical document database at home and abroad are introduced.
P. A. was rushing to document the scientific justification for its proposed finding that emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases endangered public health and the environment.
P. A. was rushing to document the scientific justification for its proposed finding that emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases endangered public health and the environment.