The parameters of glomerulus sclerosis rate and the number of peritubular capillary were different between LBL and SLBL groups.
LBL 组和SLBL组的肾小球硬化率参数和肾小管周围毛细血管数目不同。
"Sclerosis" for hardening or scarring.
Aaron McKenzie's grandmother has multiple sclerosis.
亚伦·麦肯齐(Aaron McKenzie)的祖母有多发性硬化症。
Autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis.
Are anxiety disorders under treated in patients with multiple sclerosis?
Scotland, for instance, has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world.
Mintz has grappled with the problem in caring for her husband, who has multiple sclerosis.
Debbie Purdy, who has multiple sclerosis, is seeking to clarify the law in the House of Lords.
Tuberous sclerosis can lead to the formation of fibroids or tumors in the pancreas, bone, and liver.
Take Cymando Henley, 36, whose mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis when he was starting college.
She speculates that es may have an association with diseases such as multiple sclerosis and diabetes.
The tie also helps relieve headaches and is used for people with multiple sclerosis and menopausal women.
对于那些身患多发性硬化症(multiple sclerosis)的病人和更年期的女性来说,KoolTie领带非常适用。
In addition, with brain tumors and multiple sclerosis, Chamberlain says, a patient's personality can change.
Then an e-mail from a friend broke the news that Jeanine had been too devastated to speak: She had multiple sclerosis.
不久,一个朋友通过电子邮件告诉我珍妮的病情恶化到不能说话了,她患有多发性硬化症(multiple scleosis)。
Doctors have long suspected that some sort of virus might precipitate autoimmune disorders, like lupus or multiple sclerosis.
Zamboni has applied for a United States patent for diagnosing Multiple Sclerosis, by detecting blood reflux using ultrasound (PCT No.
Santamaria plans to test his approach in models of other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Australian researchers have discovered an entirely new aspect of human muscle behaviour which has implications for treating stroke and multiple sclerosis.
Research in the journal Biological Psychiatry finds a potential physiological connection between multiple sclerosis and depression. Christie Nicholson reports
At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Dr. John Fleming, a neurologist, is testing whether the pig whipworm can temper the effects of multiple sclerosis.
在麦迪逊市的威斯康星大学神经病学家约翰·弗莱明博士(John Fleming)目前正在测试猪体鞭虫是否可以缓和多发性硬化症的病情。
The MGS study also found an association between schizophrenia and a genetic variation on chromosome 1 (1p22.1), which has been implicated in multiple sclerosis.
MGS研究也发现精神分裂症与1号染色体(1 p 22 . 1)遗传变异间的联系,这种联系在多发性硬化中已经有过。
Popular demand for an unproved surgical treatment for multiple sclerosis shows the growing power of social media to shape medical practice-for good and ill.
Seven years ago he was diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, and it's had a devastating effect on both his physical and cognitive abilities.
Fraser was a pump operator for the Chicago Water Department, and despite being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis at a young age, he hardly ever missed a day of work.
He said: 'Gliosis is thought to be the brain equivalent of wound healing and is typically seen in conditions of neuronal injury, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis.
He said: 'Gliosis is thought to be the brain equivalent of wound healing and is typically seen in conditions of neuronal injury, such as stroke and multiple sclerosis.