This issue also involves the scope of authority of the legal interpretation, and the effectiveness of the legal...
Examiners shall examine loans according to the specified process within the scope of authority and may not examine loans beyond authority.
According to the regulations, if a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person, it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority.
The Hospital Authority said regulation of health-care products was not within its scope of responsibility.
That help does not mean creating a new global authority to match the global scope of finance: the money for bail-outs ultimately comes from nation states.
Special attention should be paid to correlation between the level of SOA policy authority and the policy scope. Let's assume we have four policies.
Proper information is considered in determining the level of authority and scope of responsibility assigned to an individual.
The scope and the method of calculating the aforesaid equity capital and risk assets shall be as prescribed by the Competent Authority.
There are obvious differences between US and EU prior notification of concentration systems in terms of scope of application, notification procedure and executive organ's authority.
Obtain a copy of the DART scope of work with any funding delegation of authority.
The law gives the members of a grand jury broad immunity for actions taken by them within the scope of their authority as grand jurors.
Therefore the main Act delegates certain powers to the Minister of Health who makes rules having the force of law within the scope of the authority delegated to him.
The scope of unified registration, the registration authority and the measures for registration shall be stipulated by law and administrative regulations.
The matters decided by arbitration exceed the scope of the arbitration agreement or the authority of the arbitration institution.
Ability to exercise initiative and judgment as well as make decisions within the scope of assigned authority.
The second part is the emphases of the discussion. Correctly, author analyzes on form, scope, effect, attention duties of the exercise of daily household affairs authority and so on.
Provisions on the validity, applicable scope, application procedure, and inspection provisions shall be prescribed by the central competent authority of construction.
At all levels shall adopt measures within the scope of their authority to protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests.
There are theoretically two different theories on the scope of administrative act authority: the "limited authority theory" and the other "absolute authority theory".
Article 18 the People's Bank of China has the authority, within the scope provided for in these Regulations, to supervise and check up on units using gold and silver.
Thee Arbitral Tribunal abused its authority and willfully expanded the scope of its jurisdiction.
Thee Arbitral Tribunal abused its authority and willfully expanded the scope of its jurisdiction.