But the Swiss champs had chances to score in the first half.
The overall score in the table only ranks countries' relative risks.
While any scaled score in the 40s is superb, 90th percentile is around 49 to 50.
Indeed, he alone is the one player to score in 16 consecutive Champions League seasons.
Take a look at Tuesday night's box score in the baseball game between New York and Toronto.
These concerns have lowered Slovakia’s score in international good-governance rankings.
Moreover, as our class achieved a good score in the match, we are famous in the schoolyard.
Some attacks deal damage to an ability score in the form of ability damage or ability drain.
They say that the average credit score in black Census tracts is 108 points lower than in white tracts.
In 2003 the average score in Asia was about 0.85 (a score of one represents a hard peg to the dollar).
The most effective way to raise your credit score in this area is by paying down your revolving credit.
Dessert is very easy to generate well-being of the food, the highest score in major cities often taste dessert.
Conclusion. The back school program might improve the quality of life score in women with chronic low back pain.
A player who was shut out (schneidered) in one game enters his first score in the game or games still uncompleted.
The approach taken here is to store a mutable holder for the high scoring player's name and score in the ServletContext.
Gallup combines present and future life ratings, with “thriving” roughly equivalent to a “high” score in Pew’s survey.
The final score in that encounter was a thrashing for the United States, England, and Japan at the hands of Russia and Qatar.
Here too, the Scandinavian countries score in the top 10s and 20s, with their biggest burden typically being their stringent labor laws.
Recall that when you're filling out your table, you can sometimes get a maximum score in a cell from more than one of the previous cells.
The record for highest score in a hockey game belongs to the 2008 Slovakian women's team, which beat Bulgaria 82-0 in a pre-Olympic qualifier.
They tested this score in people with Alzheimer's and without. "Our overall success rate of detecting those with Alzheimer's disease is 94 percent."
他们在得了老年痴呆症中和没得这病的人中测试这些分数,我们在得了这病的人中成功的几率是94%,在没得病的人中成功的几率是84%,O ' Bryant说。
The score in the bottom-right cell contains the maximum alignment score for S1 and S2, just as it contains the length of an LCS in the LCS algorithm.
右下角单元格中的得分包含S1和S2的最大比对得分,就像在LCS 算法中包含 LCS的长度一样。
The score is updated by looking at the action attribute for the target scene and using this either to set or to add to the score in the local state model.
The course covers both the Academic and General Training modules it provides students with invaluable advice on how to maximise their band score in the exam.
Li, a high-school graduate from Henan Province, was not admitted to any university despite achieving a good score in the national university entrance exam.
Getting a high score in an IQ test requires both high intelligence and competitive tendencies to motivate the test-taker to perform to the best of their ability.
And I am Soooo Not Competitive: we don't just want more friends than everybody else; we also want the highest score in Word Twist and the most virtual Easter Eggs.
And I am Soooo Not Competitive: we don't just want more friends than everybody else; we also want the highest score in Word Twist and the most virtual Easter Eggs.