All of this will be a moot point once the robot armies rise to power and start pulverizing each other with scrap metal.
Below, a photo of a woman recycling a piece of imported American scrap metal inside of an industrial-scale motor scrap recycling (and copper smelting) operation south of Shanghai.
Smoke rose from a crude earthen forge, women took turns at a goatskin bellows while men and boys pounded scrap metal on small anvils, shaping it into cooking spoons, axheads, and other simple wares.
British scrap metal company has accused Chinese customers of abducting its chief trader for ransom in a case that underlines the challenges of doing business in China.
All scrap metal is concentrated on the South coast - the very place where all the organizations were situated.
Several ship brokers refer to a vast order of scrap metal stuck on America’s West Coast that was bound for China.
Combined with a scrap-metal business, the store is just enough to lift its owners into the ranks of India’s fabled middle class.
"A billion dollar oil rig is scrap metal and at least 12 people have lost their lives," says LSU's Overton.
Next to it was a giant, smoldering hunk of scrap metal.
When diving, they wear hand-carved wooden goggles with glass lenses, hunting with spear guns fashioned from boat timber, tyre rubber and scrap metal.
Bored of collecting scrap metal, empty plastic bottles and anything else they could sell, a group of young children were having a play flight on top of a rubbish tip.
Unsurprisingly, many leave school early, without the skills they need to compete in the job market. Instead they drift into collecting scrap metal, begging or petty crime.
As the world's largest gold producer, China might decide to source the supplies from local mines and through refining scrap metal.
The company is a to cast steel factory, cast and copper factory, aluminum plant, casting plant such as lead scrap metal and waste plastic crushing, pumping tablets for one processing plant.
A lorry piled with scrap metal had shed its load.
Now every country in the number of emissions, waste, scrap metal, etc. This is not only in breaking the environment, or harm us.
Stealing scrap metal is harder, too: dealers must now verify sellers' identities and are no longer allowed to pay them in cash.
Soon, the mill began operations, swallowing scrap metal and then spitting out steel and smog.
Zhenzhuyan and products fire-proof material lime machinery repair processing scrap metal recycling production sales.
Many years engaged in waste materials of various, scrap metal, plastic, electronic component electronic feet.
An enterprising person is one who comes across a pile of scrap metal and sees making of a wonderful sculpture.
Looking at his beautiful creations, it is hard to imagine that all of them are made of scrap metal and abandoned materials.
Some cases have been reported of players "finding" scrap metal.
Working with scrap metal, Mr. Wu has invented over 47 robots that can pour tea, offer smokers a light and paint pictures.
The scrap metal are steel, ferreous and non ferreous.
In our Asian, European and North American offices, our brokers partner with international suppliers of ferrous and nonferrous scrap metal, ferro-alloys and scrap substitutes.
In our Asian, European and North American offices, our brokers partner with international suppliers of ferrous and nonferrous scrap metal, ferro-alloys and scrap substitutes.