You should test this view mode for usability given the size of your portal and the screen size available for your device.
This has to be part of your app too by adapting yourself to the screen size and touch controls of the device.
In the end, we have a screen size, a likely form-factor, an OS and a probable release window.
The home page view and the contact list view are two places where page layouts were enhanced to exploit the larger screen size available with desktop browser.
The asset attributes help determine which image asset is appropriate for a given device, depending on the device's accepted encoding, screen size, and color capability.
If you fix the size in the CAE, it remains (proportionally) the same for all users, independent of screen size.
The limited screen size of the mobile devices requires dramatically simplified graphics for the game.
In the British color-TV market, for example, he has chosen to compete on price instead of screen size.
A problem arises if the user's screen size is smaller than expected; in this case, the tabs will wrap across multiple rows.
With the increase in keyboard width came an increase in the netbook's screen size, room for a fairly hefty hard-drive, additional ports, a bigger battery-and yet more weight.
If a wide range of devices is to be supported, this becomes a problem with numerous screen size, markup, and device capability combinations to support.
Notice that the default, large screen size will display a keypad and virtual buttons on the right side of the emulated device.
Wouldn't a bigger screen size be needed to browse through photos of a product?
Expectedbrowsers and screen sizes: If you're creating a site for your company, you know what browser is installed and what screen size most peopleuse.
Instead of looking at the product for what it is, the evaluation simply analyzes the differences, which is mainly the screen size.
It's not your fault, though. We're trained to correlate screen size with engagement from an early age.
The max-width property checks to see the overall screen size and will only append the styles if the condition is met.
Mobile W3C CSSOM - Covers aspects like screen size, mouse position, document size, and scroll offset.
"When you get to a 11-inch screen size, if you put a glass substrate, you need two hands to just hold the device," he says.
This is a start of a new line of devices that are only going to get lighter, thinner and more powerful, and there will be many new apps designed specifically for the new screen size.
Screen size: It’s got two of ‘em: a 10.1″ LCD touchscreen and a 9.7″ E-Ink touchscreen.
屏幕大小:有两种配置:10.1 吋的LCD触摸屏和 9.7 吋的电子墨水(E-Ink)触摸屏。
To specify a style sheet to be used depending on the current screen size, you can add this code to the template.
If you subtract the insets from the screen size, you have the size your window should be.
Either of these will give you a screen size reported as 576x384 pixels by the framebuffer device; more on that a little later.
对于这两种设置所给出的屏幕大小,freamebuffer设备都会报告分辨率为 576x384像素;稍后会对此作更多介绍。
The screen size of the iPhone (320x480) is much smaller than even the smallest target application for a desktop Web application.
Introducing yet another screen size would mean that three versions of iOS, Apple's mobile operating system, would then be in circulation, each with its own developer needs.
Let's look at the most obvious challenge in making a Web site friendly to an iPhone or Android visitor: the screen size.
Here we've created an Android 1.5 virtual machine with the QVGA screen size.
接下来我们已经创建了一个Android 1.5虚拟机,用QVGA的屏幕尺寸。
This is the minimum screen size that Windows 8 will support so no application needs to work at a smaller resolution.
Each phone has a different screen size, and the iPhone has two positions: vertical and horizontal.