Addressed issue where after successful fingerprint authentication on a device with the screen off, the screen does not turn back on.
My method involved cleaning the iPad's surface with a microfiber cloth, using an app for a short amount of time, then turning the screen off.
The sequential regression analysis was adopted to screen off the secondary factors, and the Kalman filtering technique was used to estimate innovation coefficients of the model dynamically.
I confess that with online surveys I just click the option that's closest to my mouse cursor to get the damn thing off my screen.
They were quick to dismiss rumours of an off-screen romance.
The introduction of new screen formats was put off for a quarter century, and color, though utilized over the next two decades for special productions, also did not become a norm until the 1950s.
So in that case — like here, there's an app that's bigger than the phone's screen — the shape of the phone could tell you, "Okay, off the screen right here, there is more content."
It looks like we're cut off the screen a little bit here, but you can see I've just circled it there.
The problem here is mostly a function of the layout; the page is designed for a larger screen and absolutely positions some controls off the screen for a mobile device.
A huge panoramic window provides views of planes taxiing and taking off, and plasma screen televisions hang from the ceiling.
Teachers the season winds my Yanmouyula in the minds of several from the screen and off screen and can not help but recall the past quietly regards to your childhood.
Grotesque descriptions are alleviated by scenes that might have come off a movie screen.
As we chatted and scrolled through her artwork, the laptop suddenly started making an unhealthy buzzing noise, then the screen flickered on and off and then cut off completely.
The duo might not be hooking up on the "Vampire Diaries" set, but it looks like Nina is definitely team Damon off screen.
Note that drawing off screen (outside of the bounds defined by size) is not illegal, but simply ignored.
Off screen he led the Rat Pack, famous for their parties as much as performances at Las Vegas casinos during the 1960s.
Taylor and Burton remain one of the most famous Hollywood couples in history, starring together several times on screen and generating much off-screen glamor and drama.
And I didn't get in trouble for turning off my screen-saver — at least not yet.
Although her on-screen personas were what made her famous, her off-screen romances were what made her legendary, one of the most watched celebrities of her era.
After you create the component and show it on the screen, you kick off a secondary thread to perform the task whose progress needs measuring.
The difference in weight is far less than the difference produced by charging the battery, or wiping dust off the screen.
If you're one of the lucky ones selected, your interview process will start off with a phone screen.
Another lighting problem, brought about since the introduction of data projectors into classrooms, is glare reflecting off the projection screen into pupils' eyes.
In many ways, Elizabeth Taylor may have begun as a classic studio-era movie star, but she became the first modern celebrity, notorious for her well publicized off-screen activities and causes.
In many ways, Elizabeth Taylor may have begun as a classic studio-era movie star, but she became the first modern celebrity, notorious for her well publicized off-screen activities and causes.