We have to scrimp and save if we want to buy a decent house in that area.
Buyers no longer had to scrimp and save to get what they wanted; they could have it now.
Around the world, parents scrimp and save to send their kids to school and compete with one another to get into the best schools.
Only a small proportion (11% of younger households) have a mortgage, and those that do scrimp and save to try to pay it off in five years.
Alan Swinson, a builder living in North Las Vegas, says he has struggled to keep up with his mortgage in the past and is now determined to scrimp and save all he can to ward off future calamities.
British libraries scrimp, save and appeal to lottery and charitable funds to buy collections, but cataloguing, the next stage, is also pricey, so some archives are inaccessible for years.
British libraries scrimp, save and appeal to lottery and charitable funds to buy collections, but cataloguing, the next stage, is also pricey, so some archives are inaccessible for years.