The client area excludes window scroll bars.
These include sliders, scroll bars, dials, and a few others.
Specifies whether to display horizontal and vertical scroll bars. The default is yes.
Note that these scroll bars appear only for those containers that extend the Container class.
In such a case, Flex adds scroll bars to a container for the children that go beyond the specified boundaries.
Using this method is quick and easy but inhibits the ability of using the editor's scroll bars at the same time.
If a child isn't visible in the container's visible area due to scroll bars, it still exists in the content pane.
Scroll bar: When the information is not entirely displayed in the frame, vertical and horizontal scroll bars appear.
This viewing mode does not include page navigation controls; rather, the user navigates content using provided scroll bars.
You need the measurement phase because it helps LayoutManager decide whether there should be scroll bars on the parent container.
您需要使用度量阶段,因为它帮助LayoutManager 确定父容器是否包含滚动条。
In a container, Flex needs to be able to add many things in addition to the container, such as scroll bars, borders, overlays, and so on.
In a table model (Figure 2), a graphical component that enables you to list row and column data, along with scroll bars to provide paging.
Lets you set indent and TAB sizes, drag-and-drop behavior, editor emulation, and whether to display the editor margins and scroll bars.
For other controls, scroll bars might appear or Flex might chop the content area (a process called content clipping) to maintain the dimensions you specify.
The GUI gives Linux a "look and feel" with clickable icons and widgets, as well as screen borders, scroll bars, and menus that the user can manipulate and customize.
Note how the status bar at the bottom is its own child window of the frame window and doesn't get scrolled when you use the scroll bars in the edit child window.
Why I didn't read the code: When I see a code block with scroll bars along with the kind of text that was present in the original OP, my brain says: Don't bother.
If the screen buffer is larger than the console window, the console automatically displays scroll bars so the console window can be repositioned over the screen buffer area.
Full Web pages are usually designed to fit a full screen, and scroll bars (especially horizontal ones) within a portlet window are typically not considered good user interface (UI) design.
Because it's a native element, there won't be struggles with plug-ins-like the plug-in reloading after the CSS is changed-or with the display, such as the video interfering with scroll bars.
The text is fully editable in lists, title bars, buttons and scroll wheels.
Swimlane title bars remain visible while you scroll.
Swimlane title bars remain visible while you scroll.