The Flemish centre of old Lille, with its cobbled streets and gilt-edged stonework, has been scrubbed up; new cafes and boutiques flourish.
Once the long slog toward bedtime was over and my two children scrubbed clean and in bed, I would sit on the couch and ache for grown-up company.
When I got up the next morning, I found she had scrubbed and wrapped my ankle with linen bandage.
DNA showed up even in swabs that were taken immediately after the phones were scrubbed. That suggests that washing won't remove all traces of evidence from a criminal's device.
Then my eyes teared up as I noticed the baby outfit beside the sink where it had been left to dry after spots had been scrubbed out of it.
Then he washed the sheets, emptied the cup of tea she hadn't touched, and scrubbed the reddish mud up from the floor.
Then he washed the sheets, emptied the cup of tea she hadn't touched, and scrubbed the reddish mud up from the floor.