I'd also like to bring your attention to the good work that the Sea Life Centre is doing in support of animal conservation.
Those dividing lines come crashing down with the discovery of a sea slug that's truly half animal and half plant.
And so far, this green sea slug is the only known animal that can be truly considered solar-powered, although some animals do exhibit some plant-like behaviors.
So far, this green sea slug is the only known animal that can be truly considered solar-powered, although some animals do exhibit some plant-like behaviors.
As night falls, people go in crowds to the sea of colorful lanterns: palace lanterns, wall lamps, figure lanterns, flower lanterns, revolving horse lanterns, animal lanterns, and toy lanterns, of all types and colours.
Animal products only contain trace amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients because animals eat plants (sea or land).
The 300-pound animal apparently swam from the ocean into the inland canals and found its way on to a rural road in Los Banos, California, about 65 miles from the sea.
The fish in the water is silent, the animal on the earth is noisy, the bird in the air is singing, but Man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth
Fossils of sea creatures peel out of the stone, and in a slick of mud we find a rusty horseshoe-a relic from an animal that worked down here more than a century ago, hauling stones.
For animal and bird lovers, there is plenty of action in the form of penguins, sea birds, swallows, skua and fur sea lions (a type of seal).
Past research into what animal protein astronauts might live on has assessed poultry, fish, and even sea urchin larvae.
Back then they were made of naturally occurring objects - coconuts, sea shells, hollow stones or similar objects filled with moss or a similar material that was soaked with animal fat and ignited.
Yet Sea Shepherd - the subject of the popular Animal Planet reality show Whale Wars - isn't holding back.
Clashes between Japanese ships and animal rights protestors escalated last week, when a whaling vessel collided with a boat from the Sea Shepherd conservation group.
Sea cucumber is a kind of echinoderm animal, is one of the rare seafood with high protein, low fat, low cholesterol.
Charles Paxton of Animal Behavior Research Group at Oxford Universtiy has added statistical techniques to search for sea monstors.
And they may well have been doing the animal a favour, as albinos are easy prey out at sea as they lack the colouration to blend in like their grey coloured relatives.
The largest and heaviest animal in the sea is the whale.
Look at the lower forms of animal life-the birds and the wild animals, the reptiles and the insects, the fish in the sea. Nature supplies them bountifully with everything they need.
Plankton are small organisms, plant or animal, that drift in the sea with little or no locomotive ability.
Perhaps the shark just thinks that the person is a kind of sea animal , or something good to eat !
It is quite possibly the ugliest animal on the planet, and it lives in what is easily Earth's most inhospitable habitat: the lonely, lightless bottom of the sea.
The largest and heaviest animal in the sea is the whale. It's also the biggest eater in the world. It eats a ton of food a day.
海中最大、最重的动物则是鲸鱼, ﮠ它也是世界上吃得最多的动物, 它每天要吃一吨的食物。
To help the kids learn about animal homes, Mama's home movies show different habitats on the ground, in the sea, and in the sky.
To help the kids learn about animal homes, Mama's home movies show different habitats on the ground, in the sea, and in the sky.