For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed.
The fried egg jellyfish, also known as medusa, produce eggs that are fertilized in sea water, which then develop into a tiny larva fixed to sea bed organisms.
Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the sea bed.
She opposed attempts to raise the wreck 4, 000 meters (13, 000 feet) from the sea bed.
One project already has lines of acoustic sensors on the sea bed from Alaska to California.
In geographical terms, the sea bed can be divided into two or three quite distinct regions.
As well as presumed mineral riches under the sea bed, the sea lanes are a vital route for shipping.
This mountain measures five kilometres from sea bed to peak, and is surrounded by Shiva's crater rim.
Ocean polymetallic nodule is a vast metallic resource of deep sea bed and belongs all over the world.
The hinged panels, 92-feet wide and 65-feet high, will be fixed to concrete bases being dug into the sea bed.
The well is gushing because of the pressure the oil is under in its reservoir 4,300 metres below the sea bed.
The well is gushing because of the pressure the oil is under in its reservoir 4, 300 metres below the sea bed.
Scientists say they have evidence that the powerful greenhouse gas methane is escaping from the Arctic sea bed.
Investigators will now try to determine where the two-engine plane hit the water, and where its wreckage is on the sea bed.
Most are microbes of bacteria, though there are also worms burrowing into the sea bed and ocean insects less than 1mm long.
它们中的大部分属于细菌,但有也有一些是在海床中挖掘的蠕虫,或是体长小于1 mm的海洋昆虫。
So far, the first relief well is only about 1,000 metres or so below the sea bed, and the second has only just been started.
So far, the first relief well is only about 1, 000 metres or so below the sea bed, and the second has only just been started.
We're doing something that's never been done before, we're deploying dispersants on the sea bed at the source of the leak.
The sea bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board went a chest was raised from the bottom.
This causes the dense water from the Mediterranean to flow like a river along the sea bed, carving a channel and deep Banks.
But while it looks like he has sprouted legs, this angler fish's limbs are just the fins he USES to balance himself on the sea bed.
The sea bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom.
A very common sedimentary rock is called shale, which is a soft rock and was obviously formed by being deposited on the sea bed.
This paper deals with statistical analysis method and spectral analysis method for classification of sea bed using side scan sonar data.
Robotics: it might make sense to mine metals from the sea bed, rather than from terrestrial mines. But it will require some nifty technology.
The scientists, based at the University of Leeds, used a robotic submarine to study for the first time a deep channel that had been found on the sea bed.
Indeed, much more oil seeps from the sea bed around the world naturally than from spills and shipping, says Simon Boxall from the University of Southampton.
This berg was observed to drift to and fro across Kane Basin for some weeks, at different times, grounding on the sea bed, on both the North and South sides.
Russia has already planted a flag on the sea bed at the North pole while Canada has increased funding for cold weather training centres and new patrol vessels
Russia has already planted a flag on the sea bed at the North pole while Canada has increased funding for cold weather training centres and new patrol vessels