This represents a sea change in pharmaceutical policies.
One central issue is whether the fall of the mighty is a cycle or a sea change.
We are in the midst of a 'sea change' where gold is the safe haven for investors.
"It is a sea change in the way the industry works, " says Omar Tawakol, CEO of BlueKai.
That may mark a sea change in social attitudes but it could equally be, pace Mr Schmidt, transient.
Only content from accounts marked public will be indexed by Bing, but it's a sea change none the less.
The past decade has resulted in a sea change in many countries that is often misunderstood (or just invisible).
Shopping habits shape cities and reflect culture, and a sea change has occurred in how Americans try to buy.
The Prime Minister is convinced that there will soon be a sea change in the relations between the two countries.
So I know I won't be the only woman on the wrong side of 40 to welcome the latest sea change in the fashion world.
When Mr Gourevitch went back to Rwanda last year for the first time in a decade, he found it had undergone a sea change.
But there are those under the impression that this will mean a sea change in the world's linguistic terrain as well.
The other sea change has been prompted by the ready-made garments industry, which employs 3 million people, the majority women.
Perhaps the greatest sea change is that "more academics are starting to ask, 'How can I get funding to turn this discovery into something?"'
THE rapid international rise of companies such as Samsung Electronics and LGE underlines a sea change in South Korea’s chaebol in just a decade.
You described Linked data as a sea change akin to the invention of the WWW itself - i.e. we've gone from a Web of documents to a Web of data.
THE rapid international rise of companies such as Samsung Electronics and LGE underlines a sea change in South Korea's chaebol in just a decade.
He said that Linked data was a sea change akin to the invention of the WWW itself. We've gone from a Web of documents, via the WWW, to a Web of data.
"We are without a doubt in the midst of an extraordinary sea change," she told me. "the transformation is momentous-immensely liberating and immensely scary."
That was a powerful and important sea change, and almost all of Welch's initiatives were designed to harness the collective intellect of the organization.
We think this crisis has already begun to trigger a sea change in consumer spending behavior, as consumers now embark on a long period of rebuilding thrift.
I love the mountainous majesty of Huashan, I love West Lake, I love the darker; more beautiful thousand mountain cave. But I love the sea change unpredictably.
One is quite usual, a month of ambition, pressure, career and prestige involvements. All these are undergoing a sea change now to 2024, as Thursday to Saturday will show.
As new generations of employees arrive — generations born and raised with technology in their hands — do managers really understand the huge sea change in how the young work force is wired?
As new generations of employees arrive — generations born and raised with technology in their hands — do managers really understand the huge sea change in how the young work force is wired?