The image shows sea surface height relative to normal ocean conditions for this time of year.
The observation data are used for retrieving the SWH, tides and sea surface height as well as other ocean parameters.
The paper briefly introduces absolute calibration methods of sea surface height and backscatter of satellite altimeter.
The globes show sea surface height anomalies, which means places where the water surface is higher (red) or lower (blue) than average.
The vertical deflection is inversed from JASON-1 satellite altimetry data, and the effect of vertical deflection correction on the sea surface height is analyzed.
利用JASON - 1卫星测高数据反演了海洋垂线偏差,分析了垂线偏差对用卫星测高数据建立海平面高模型的影响。
The apps show sea surface height, sea surface wind, areas of overfishing, oceanic currents, and other non-Google Earth projects that graphically illustrate Marine pollution.
这些应用可以显示洋面高度、海风、过度捕鱼的区域、洋流,以及显示海洋污染的非google Earth内容。
The sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), which is obtained after tidal correction based on the tidal results of this paper, is predominated by seasonal alternating monsoons.
Variation of Sea Surface Height (SSH) and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) east of Taiwan is closely connected to the variation of Kuroshio, and is important in climate variation.
This height is calculated relative to an average elevation determined for the moon's surface, since there is no such thing as a "sea level" as a reference on the moon.
This height is calculated relative to an average elevation determined for the moon's surface, since there is no such thing as a "sea level" as a reference on the moon.