It's the jolly times on shore that appeal to me, as much as any seafaring.
The trading and seafaring skills of the Phoenicians resulted in a network of colonies, spreading westwards through the Mediterranean.
Both of these activities were based on seafaring, an ability the Phoenicians developed from the example of their maritime predecessors, the Minoans of Crete.
An important archaeological discovery on the island of Efate in the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu has revealed traces of an ancient seafaring people, the distant ancestors of todays Polynesians.
A private yacht is a must for seafaring billionaires.
Discover New Zealand's seafaring history in over 14 world class galleries.
The isolation of seafaring can sometimes take its toll on you and your family.
Some believe that dugongs were the inspiration for ancient seafaring tales of mermaids and sirens.
Historically, the Bajau people have lived a nomadic seafaring life in this tropical monsoon climate.
"Doctors is all swabs," he said; "and that doctor there, why, what do he know about seafaring men?"
'I'm a seafaring man myself, Mr Carker, and Wal 'r, as is on your books here, is almost a son of mine.
For the pirates used to plunder one another, and indeed all coast populations, whether seafaring or not.
One day the Captain said to Jim: "I want you to keep a sharp look-out for a seafaring man with one leg."
Every day when he came back from his stroll he would ask if any seafaring men had gone by along the road.
Greece has been a seafaring nation for centuries, and Greece is very well known for its shipping industry.
For centuries, seafaring people and coastal dwellers of China have always revered Ma Zu as their palladium.
Of Silver we have heard no more. That formidable seafaring man with one leg has at last gone clean out of my life.
Diseases of the heart and arteries end many seafaring careers early - and are the number one killer of seafarers while at sea.
The correspondent strategies and suggestions were proposed in accordance with the seafaring profession and style of living.
针对上述状况,结合航行期间船员的工作生 活特点分析其原因,并提出相应的建议。
A team of scientists from four countries have set out on a seafaring expedition to discover what color the Atlantic Ocean is.
There were all these words we used, and the whalers would take our men because they knew our seafaring skills went back to them.
The history of China's seafaring exploration came to an end when the Ming Dynasty carried out the policy of "maritime embargo".
Reason: Easter Island's silent stone figures are a monument to the seafaring skills and unique culture of ancient Polynesian peoples.
China knows that countries in the region such as Greece, Cyprus and Turkey are old seafaring nations and they have surplus capacity.
Our southbound ship was sailing right between the sun and the moon — after nine days' seafaring, I finally recognized the directions.
Our southbound ship was sailing right between the sun and the moon — after nine days' seafaring, I finally recognized the directions.