Once you've broken the seal of a bottle there's no way you can put it back together again.
He smiled, winked and nodded, giving his seal of approval.
Reformation of nitrogen seal of blast furnace gas compressor is introduced.
In distinction from Baptism, the Supper is the sign and seal of covenant renewal.
Test the seal of your refrigerator to ensure cold air isn't escaping through the doors.
We need the seal of your embassy and the signature of your Ambassador on the consent form.
Those crates bear the regional seal of Andorhal, the distribution center for the northern boroughs.
Such things," continued Bertuccio, shaking his head, "are only related under the seal of confession."
Every bottle lives up to our family's seal of approval, hallmarked by time honoured wine-making methods.
Also known as the 'Timothy F. Geithner Seal of Approval,' which some bankers insist is good until it isn't anymore.
After all, many were given the AAA seal of approval by the ratings agencies, and we know how reliable they are.
Within a couple of weeks, the MPA is expected to give several of those technologies an informal seal of approval.
Seal of approval: Jennie Bond believes that Diana, pictured here with her son Prince William, would approve of Kate
The mid-19th century, the United States where the Wu family with a seal of tea, will be able to sell at high prices.
Seal of approval: Jennie Bond believes that Diana, pictured here with her son Prince William, would approve of Kate.
If you end up being able to work as a model, in some ways it's a seal of approval, but it also puts a lot of pressure on you.
This is the equivalent of the Federal Reserve seal of approval being applied to mortgage lending at the pinnacle of the housing bubble.
If they do not, they risk being thrown out of SART and losing its seal of approval, which might discourage potential customers from using them.
The employees of the phony stores insist their iPods, iPhones, and iPads are real Apple products, but lacking Apple's seal of approval, it's hard to verify.
They know that few important decisions are reached in the EU, even in an expanded community of 27 member states, without a French-German seal of approval.
Products that make it through this rigorous scheme of testing and evaluation earn a seal of approval that makes them eligible for public sector procurement.
Carter quickly ordered the steps to be cleared of sand and debris7 and by noon the next day they found a doorway, stamped with the seal of the royal necropolis8.
Women were outnumbered 20 to 1 at the trade-only opening day, suggesting the bike world has some way to go before getting the Fawcett Society's seal of approval.
By giving products of assured quality a seal of approval, the system brings uniform quality standards to the market, introduces order, and increases the base of suppliers.
All this means that lenders, who have an opportunity to do far more extensive due diligence than do individual investors, have given Ford a balance-sheet seal of approval.
Mr.Clinton routinely pops up in guidebooks and newspaper articles about restaurants, invariably with the implication that a beloved gourmand has attached his seal of approval.
Mr.Clinton routinely pops up in guidebooks and newspaper articles about restaurants, invariably with the implication that a beloved gourmand has attached his seal of approval.