With a soft, clean paper to Tieguanyin packaged, placed in a plastic bag, then seal the bag sealing machine.
You place a dry-cleaning sheet in the bag along with your 4 blouses or 2 large garments and seal the bag. Then you tumble-dry the bag on low heat or the permanent-press setting.
The stench of rotting seal flesh wafts from a bag in the porch of his house in Tasiilaq as Ignatiussen's wife, Ane, remarks that, "the seasons are upside down".
The JAS seal must appear on all possible shipping documents. Seal use is not required but advisable on each bag or container of bulk product.
Automatic checking: no pouch or pouch open error, no fill, no seal. The bag can be used again, avoid wasting packing materials and raw materials.
To make crushed ice, put some ice cubes into a strong polythene bag, seal it tightly, then hit it with a rolling pin to break up the ice.
The bag making machine for high-speed cutting film, it can also be used for ordinary flat film of the bottom seal bag making machine, a compact, super-fast speed features, easy to use and reliable.
For the faint of heart, one can also seal the cheese in a bag which causes the maggots to lose oxygen and start launching themselves out of the cheese at distances up to 15 centimeters.
The inner film container is made of a flexible inner film bag having a removal seal.
薄膜内容器包括 设置在收回闭合装置的弹性薄膜内袋。
The brocade bag is adapted to be placed inside the inner box. A cord is disposed at the opening of the brocade bag, so as to seal the opening after bone ashes are stored in the brocade bag.
该锦袋则是 由一可供置入该内盒体中的袋体所构成,另该锦袋的开口处则设有可用以捆 绑该开口的绳索,使提供作为骨灰的集中收存功能。
TOP BEST-661 has high surface adhesion force on vacuum bag and a variety of tools. In the curing cycle it has excellent seal, and very easy to remove from the cold or heating surface after the curing.
TOPBEST- 661密封胶带对各种真空袋及复合工具都有较高的粘着力,在树脂固化周期内具有优异的密封性,固化后非常容易从冷或暖的工具表面去除干净。
How to storage:these eye pillow can kept about 12 month in the seal plastic bag. Opening for each use.
When the packing bag is torn along the stretching direction of the heat-seal layer, the opening is in a straight-line shape.
When the packing bag is torn along the stretching direction of the heat-seal layer, the opening is in a straight-line shape.