Introduced are some problems concerning the design of compound phosphate fertilizer thick liquid pump in the light of its structure, hydraulic design, and sealing.
When the application is more critical, and the sealing compound may fail due to high heat or pressure, NPTF Dryseal threads are used.
As special function is required, the construction of polysulfide sealing compound turns into a key procedure in project of a sewage treatment plant.
The testing result shows that sealing compound performance is good, costs are low, and is suitable for static seal of pipe line and valve under different temperature conditions.
Based on pressure and high low temperature cycling tests and theoretic analysis, the threaded joint parts filled with sealing glue compound show excellent seal ability, and can be applied to SRM.
The sea1ing ability of API connections mainly depends on the machining parameters of connections themselves, but the sealing aid of thread compound can not be overlooked.
In order to acquire a good hermetic seal between the diaphragm and the base plate, two sealing methods were used, namely, compound method and crystallite method.
With NPT threads, after a wrench is applied, slight Spaces at the major and minor diameters may exist that would allow the assembly to leak and therefore a sealing compound is used to fill any gaps.
A new seal structure suited to solid rocket motors (SRM) is introduced, and threaded joint structures and sealing glue compound are studied.
It introduces formulation design of the compound and development of labyrinth oil seal. The sealing property, ageing resistance arid service life in oil resistance and fitting test are also related.
It introduces formulation design of the compound and development of labyrinth oil seal. The sealing property, ageing resistance arid service life in oil resistance and fitting test are also related.