1860 - South Carolina becomes first state to secede from the United States.
They plotted to make the whole Mississippi Valley secede from the United States.
Texas Governor Rick Perry said the state of Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to.
Texas Governor Rick Perry said the state of Texas could secede from the Union if it wanted to.
During 1861, southern states were trying to secede from the Union of the United states and form their own country.
The more complicated and ominous scenario would be for Greece or another member to eventually secede from the Union.
But if their leaders are not interested in this, and prefer to secede from Kosovo, then much of the plan will be a dead letter.
When Thrackan Sal-Solo threatened to have the Corellian System secede from the Alliance, Luke found himself questioning the allegiance of the Jedi.
For instance, why may not any portion of a new confederacy a year or two hence arbitrarily secede again, precisely as portions of the present Union now claim to secede from it?
The East Timorese voted to secede from Indonesian control in a referendum in 1999 - a vote that will be remembered for the brutality of militiamen who tried to disrupt the process.
They held that a state had the right to withdraw, or "secede", from the Union when it felt its interests to be threatened.
They held that a state had the right to withdraw, or "secede", from the Union when it felt its interests to be threatened.