Second, the rescuer places themselves in harm's way by helping.
Another study found that children given a 16-ounce cereal bowl were more likely to have a second helping than those given a bowl half the size.
I think the research is important, but I don't want to see one second, or one dollar, or one bit of resources get taken from helping the children with autism that we have.
Instead of helping me get it out, my boyfriend leaned back and said, "it got to second base faster than I did."
That said, Pisces needs a practical helping hand through life, so will often settle for their second best just to get along.
The second hypothesis for music's emergence is that it had a role not just in helping humans assess their mates, but also in binding bands of people together in the evolutionary past.
It’s certainly helping out the alphabet’s second vowel, although as the English language’s most popular letter, it doesn’t really need it.
Reading does help though: first in helping you to understand what to do, and second in keeping you motivated as you.
A second study by Baumeister and colleagues examined individual differences looking for an association between believing in free will and helping behaviours.
Such companies as IBM and Adidas have moved into Second Life, helping to drive employment.
The typical caregiver already has a full-time job, and helping an elderly or disabled loved one can feel like a second.
If the same cow returned, the sensor recognized the unique signal of the tag and prevented the cow from getting a second helping until after enough time had passed for her to digest the first.
Spending has stabilized since declining sharply in the second half of 2008, and is on track to grow about 2% in the current third quarter, helping the economy overall return to growth.
Second, good deed belongs to voluntary work; personal interests should not be the purpose of helping others.
That said Pisces needs a practical helping hand through life so will often settle for their second best just to get along.
CCTV's crosstalk show Laoshuo (Says My Grandma) meanwhile advocated the idea that elderly people should be helping young couples with their second child.
Always take a small amount at first so you can be cajoled into accepting a second helping.
Second, by punishing such crime so severely, it would greatly lessen it's frequency, greatly improving quality of life for the potential offender by helping to stop the rot in their areas.
And the Belgian credits his team-mates for helping him stay positive throughout a frustrating second season with the Club.
Second, to help cancer patients, a distraction, so that cancer patients to relax and feel, such as helping cancer patients, massage, exercise, listening to music.
Remember, , if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.
So, I told them about that little boy who had made a split-second decision that helping a friend up was more important than winning a blue ribbon.
I had a second helping and would have taken a third except that I didn't want to be considered a glutton.
So, on second thoughts agreed because I realized a little discomfort2 could end up helping someone.
In terms of helping second language learner develop language listening competence, many learning strategies have been explored by researchers.
In the second week, we were going to volunteer at a school-we were only supposed to stay there for six days, helping out with some construction and English classes.
Which include a second helping of sweet potatoes. Happy Thanksgiving!
还有我的第二份甜马铃薯。 感恩节快乐!
Which include a second helping of sweet potatoes. Happy Thanksgiving!
还有我的第二份甜马铃薯。 感恩节快乐!