During his time in Okinawa as a second lieutenant, and to the amusement of his fellow Marines, Colonel Richardson set up a studio in his living quarters.
I was surprised by what life offered an awkward teenager such as myself: the opportunity to serve as a second lieutenant in the Battle of the Bulge at the tender age of 19.
The prince is a member of a group called Joint Tactical air control, or JTAC. He holds the rank of cornet — equivalent to a second lieutenant — and serves as a forward air controller.
If all had gone well, he would have emerged in 10 weeks as a second lieutenant, committed to a four-year enlistment.
20the rotors of a landing Blackhawk helicopter kick up dust and debris around Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara at the Shigal district center in Kunar province on Sept. 15.
At 20, he was graduated from the War Academy at Danzig and commissioned a second lieutenant in the infantry.
At 16, Napoleon received a commission as a second lieutenant of artillery.
Raiford Calvert was made first lieutenant, because everybody liked Raif, and Abel Wynder, son of a swamp trapper, himself a small farmer, was elected second lieutenant.
As found by the two female students, this is too much longer outstanding, a second lieutenant, and with a word in the popular bar called casual.
But in its audience when the movie came out would likely have been a young, film-loving Army lieutenant named Colin Powell who, that year, was preparing for a second tour of duty in Vietnam.
The Chief guard uniform works well on the first floor, while the lieutenant uniforms work better for the second and third floors.
The ranks of reserve Captain, Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant shall be conferred with the approval of the heads of units at the divisional level that have the power to appoint and remove officers.
It Is possible, mon ami. I believe that Second Lieutenant Williams, Flight Lieutenant Logan and Private BerattI are still, how do you say, open to offers.
Although he was too young for military service the war touched Ramos when he helped shield his second cousin, Ferdinad Marcos, then a lieutenant in the underground guerrilla army, from the Japanese.
Accidentally, and poured a glass of water, a second lieutenant in the shoes, the female college student in this emergency situation of grave concern.
Villagers speak with Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara during a key leader engagement at the Shigal district center on Sept. 15 in Kunar province.
Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara, with the 27th Infantry Regiment, packs Gobstopper candy with the rest of his Arsenal.
Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara, 23, of Torrance, Calif., draws a map in the sand during a briefing before a mission on Sept. 14 at Combat Outpost Monti in Kunar province.
Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara, 23, of Torrance, Calif., draws a map in the sand during a briefing before a mission on Sept. 14 at Combat Outpost Monti in Kunar province.