The best way to enjoy the natural world is by yourself; the second-best way is in company.
Controls are a second-best substitute for financial flexibility.
The second-best outcome came when all four decided not to snitch.
The second-best outcome came when all four decided not to snitch.
The second-best performer in this test was XFS, with a figure of 1.82.
该测试中第二大性能影响者是XFS,值为 1.82。
So others support a higher minimum wage as a second-best solution.
I'm not saying that you should settle for second-best - but you should look at what's realistic.
Now Brazilian stocks are the world's second-best performer after Russia, according to MSCI Barra.
From an economic point of view such minimal new rules for governing the euro would be second-best.
In November we'll all act surprised that Pau is still clearly the league's second-best center.
The company’s net income jumped 37 percent to NT$75.7 billion ($2.3 billion) in 2009, its second-best year on record.
This allocation is frequently reassessed, so if the second-best firm starts doing better, it picks up some work from the leading firm.
But by this measure, the present cohort of senior staff economists is the second-best-qualified in academic terms of any of the past ten CEAs.
Meanwhile, in our house, as the clamor of violence grew in the distance, we were busy polishing the forks and wiping clean the second-best glasses.
When your child coughs or sneezes, have him or her use a tissue and discard it right away. If none is available, the crook of the child's arm is second-best.
Investor appetite for equities has been revived after the Shanghai Composite Index gained 72 percent this year, making it the world's second-best performing major benchmark.
To be honest, I had expected getting around Los Angeles by bike and public transportation to be a barely tolerable chore — a money-saving second-best way to see the city.
If the 1992 trade for Mitch Richmond was the best transaction Sacramento ever made, dealing him (along with Otis Thorpe) to Washington for Chris Webber in ’98 was the second-best.
HSBC's investment banking division suffered a fall in profits year-on-year but still had its second-best six months in history and is now hiring 400 more staff, its head Stuart Gulliver said.
与上年相比,虽然汇丰的投资银行部利润出现下滑,但是它仍然实现了历史第二佳的半年度业绩,而且还增加聘用了400名员工,汇丰投资银行负责人斯图亚特·格列佛(Stuart Gulliver)表示。
It's best to take on the most difficult task second—once they're settled, but before they get tired.
I couldn't afford the house I really wanted, so I had to settle for second best.
There was to be a first prize of five shillings, and a second prize of a half crown, for the best collection of wild flowers, with their names upon them.
The store also has second-hand books and CDs/DVDs with the ideas to make the best of the used things.
The best way is to “sleep on it” and the second best way is to take frequent breaks and do something completely different.
But at the end of the day, I had to go with the film that won Hanks his second Best Actor Oscar in a row.
It is fair to claim that United have the second best tradition in the world in modern football.
That said, Pisces needs a practical helping hand through life, so will often settle for their second best just to get along.
That said, Pisces needs a practical helping hand through life, so will often settle for their second best just to get along.