The health development of second-board market depends on how to prevent and resolve the high risk in it.
The second group could reasonably be barred from living or working in certain places, said the board, and the third group should be subject to tight restrictions and a lifetime of monitoring.
When I started for my second voyage to England, I made the acquaintance on board ship of Asutosh Chaudhuri.
Mr Streiff called the decision by the board of Europe's second-biggest carmaker to get rid of him without warning "incomprehensible".
If that happens as expected, the board is set to name Managing Director Robert Dudley as the new chief executive on Tuesday, when it releases second quarter results.
如果真如预期,在周二公司公布第二季度财报时,董事会料将任命董事总经理罗伯特•达德利(Robert Dudley)为新任首席执行长。
Gruebel, who is German and led a turnaround as CEO of Credit Suisse, was tapped by the board of UBS to pull off some magic a second time.
The second millennium really wasn't longer than the first millennium, it's just that I ran out of board!
The second circuit board is operably coupled to the first circuit board via control lines.
According to market research some query, PC board lake blue tent panel is one of the largest store in the mall now, the second is the green grass, is lit again, relative to other less color and say.
据商场研讨有些查询,P C板棚面板湖蓝量是现在商场上最大的商场,其次是绿色的草地,再次是通明的,相对于别的色彩与所说的少。
The second netserver scalability test used all four system board Ethernet adapters on the first two nodes and the third test used all eight system board Ethernet adapters on all four nodes.
Second, Google's strategy across the board is to get into as many hot areas as it can and build free tools to support its core business - advertising.
In a second study, therefore, Ross and colleagues abandoned hypothetical situations, paper and pencil test and instead took up the mighty sandwich board.
And her hunky new guy (who split with girlfriend of 14 years Heidi Bivens in March) is completely on board with having a baby, a second insider says: "They both want it to happen soon."
而男友也很想要宝宝,两人都希望尽早过上一家三口的生活。 贾斯汀·塞洛克斯在三月份和相恋长达14年的女友海蒂分手。
The first thing you may notice is that the diagrams from the first board were switched with the sketches on the second board.
After your second offence, your picture will be posted on the company notice board under the "Chronic Offenders" category.
French officials say recovery teams have retrieved a second body from the wreckage of an Air France plane which crashed over the Atlantic in 2009, killing all on board.
The storm water division sump to be constructed in two times, first construction is for sole-plate and part of wall board; second construction is for wall top plate.
The objective of this thesis is to develop the low cost development board for Godson2C, which can provide advantaged sustain for the second development based on development board.
Zhaoqing City Tourism Board convened Zhaoqing City travel products and the second largest appraisals Rural Tourism food festival mobilization meeting, arranged layout related work.
Estimating the models with software MATLAB6.0, the result indicates that there are co-integrate relations among these four markets of second board, but not remarkable in statistical.
That the phonebook was sorted alphabetically and that the array of numbers on the board behind the second row of paper itself was sorted alphabetically.
Because the man was well-qualified, the board gave him a second interview - and demanded a fuller explanation of his weak spots.
The good one is that we got a new wooden couch! And that we have a new second hand 7'6 board for sale, only 800 RMB!
好的消息是我们买了一个木沙发,我们还有一块7'6长的二手板, 要销售仅需800元!
In the second part, the circuit board of the system based in FPGA chip EPF10K10LC84-3 has been designed and tested, finally has implemented appointed function.
第二部分是设计了以FPGA芯片EPF10 K 10lc84 - 3为核心的系统硬件电路,并进行了相关测试,完成了预定的功能。
The Second Board itself has the characteristics of high risks and high profits, so it demands more strictly and carefully regulations for accounting information disclosing than The Main Board does.
The second bonding wire is electrically connected between the relay circuit base board and the loader.
The second bonding wire is electrically connected between the relay circuit base board and the loader.