When I came to America, I knew hardly anyone, only a second cousin who was a locksmith, so I worked for him.
The Cradle is the nastier second cousin to the Judas Cradle. We believe the picture does all the explaining for us.
The present Mr. Rochester's mother was a Fairfax, and second cousin to my husband: but I never presume on the connection -- in fact, it is nothing to me;
Such women carry in their heads kinship knowledge of six generations depth and extending laterally among consanguineal kin as far as the grandchildren of second cousin .
Which finally, finally gives me an opportunity to mention on this blog that though Sarah Palin may not be related to Michael Palin, I am, because my mother's second cousin is his wife.
Although he was too young for military service the war touched Ramos when he helped shield his second cousin, Ferdinad Marcos, then a lieutenant in the underground guerrilla army, from the Japanese.
Second, Iterator supports a derived (and arguably more powerful) cousin.
Others suggest that one function will inevitably be treated as a poor cousin, or that one authority for both magnifies the risk of errors without a second opinion.
Einstein and his second wife, his cousin Elsa, leave on their first trip to the U. S., 1921.
Windows XP wouldn't have worked on this thing, so I ended up getting an old copy of Windows 98 Second Edition from my cousin.
Obama's distant cousin, Gabriel Duvall, was a member of the US House of Representatives, from the second district of Maryland.
Gabriel Duvall,奥巴马的远房兄弟,美国众议院议员,来自马里兰第二区。
The second, taking my cousin's case for example. My cousin studied very well when he was in elementary school.
I have a picture of the little boy is my cousin, he was eight years old this year, is the second grade students, with black hair, and bright has small eyes.
I have a picture of the little boy is my cousin, he was eight years old this year, is the second grade students, with black hair, and bright has small eyes.