Aspects of pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and grammar may become fixed or fossilized in second or foreign language learning.
The article compares the first language acquisition with second language acquisition to illustrate that foreign language learning must emphasize memorisation, grammar, comparison and practice.
Learning strategy of language is an important factor of influencing the mastering of the second foreign language.
Over the past decade, the focus of a growing body of research in second or foreign language learning has been shifted from teaching methodology to individual differences in language learners.
The second part is to disclose the important role of thought pattern in foreign language learning, teaching and translation.
In the vocabulary teaching of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language(TCSL), the vocabulary analysis has impacts on the effect of foreign students' learning.
Interlanguage fossilization is a distinguishing feature of second language learning from first language acquisition. It is also a problem confusing most second and foreign language learners.
Memory, as a important factor in foreign language learning, can be processed into three stages, that is, with sensory storage as the first stage, short term memory second and long term memory third.
No one can learn a foreign language without committing errors in the process of second language learning.
Besides, the learning models of the second foreign language are not fixed or perfect methods, but with their positive effects, they can be applied to foreign language learning...
The first purpose of learning foreign language is to communicate with others. So does the second foreign language.
By analyzing the questionnaires, I brought forward my argument, i. e. learning a second foreign language can help us build up a harmonious linguistic view in the eyes of Europeans.
By analyzing the questionnaires, I brought forward my argument, i. e. learning a second foreign language can help us build up a harmonious linguistic view in the eyes of Europeans.