Overall, there was a large generational shift in which the second generation of parents was much less likely to spank than their own parents.
They're using 2g, or second generation phones.
Il-62 belongs to the second generation of Soviet far-distant liners.
伊尔- 62属于苏联第二代远程航班。
The second generation of groupware tools linked the different applications together.
Whichever works best, the second generation of biofuels is coming down the pipeline.
The second generation of e-commerce firms is quite different.Few emerged from Silicon Valley.
To reduce these performance problems, second generation JVMs added just-in-time (JIT) translation.
为了减少这些性能问题,第二代j VM添加了即时(just - in - time,JIT)转换。
When or whether the throne will pass to the second generation of Abdul Aziz's heirs remains an open question.
This stage can be called the second generation of Web services and it required better and faster SOAP engines.
Virgin Galactic's second generation of craft are based on SpaceShipOne and White Knight, but with plenty of differences.
"We analyzed several years of plant operation and from this, we generated a second generation of CAES technology," he said.
Nearly three times more mothers in the second generation reported reading to their children daily compared to their own parents.
It will replace the current Second Generation spacecraft that return 15-minute updates on the state of weather systems over Europe.
The study found only 28 percent of the second generation of fathers reported spanking their children compared to 43 percent of mothers.
The second generation of biofuels converts biomass or cellulosic material from grass, corn cobs and stover, trees or waste into ethanol.
Members concluded that any potential differences between cloned animals and conventional animals was unlikely to exist beyond the second generation.
The second generation, or 2G, introduced digital transmissions and offered the first support for data, although the focus was still on voice calling.
SAX is currently in its second generation, which includes XML namespace processing and optional reporting of certain events relating to document structure.
The second generation are those of industrial technologies which presented the fruits achieved by industrial civilization at different stages of industrialization.
The contrast between the "rich second generation" background of the driver Hu Bin and the "ordinary working-class background" of the deceased Tan Zhuo caused netizens to rage.
The second generation of the rich often incur the ire of the wider society, especially when they act as if they're entitled to, rather than lucky to have, their unearned riches.
However, many of second generation of rich show little sign of wanting to enter into politics, content instead with pursuing their own business interests using their parents' capital.
Deconstruction in its second generation wrote perpetually about history and undertook to Orient the techniques of deconstruction to an understanding of history, just to give one example.
She was a second-generation Japanese-American.
From the moment in early 1999 when Sony announced its second-generation home video game console, the Play-Station 2, it was clear this would no mere plaything.
From the moment in early 1999 when Sony announced its second-generation home video game console, the Play-Station 2, it was clear this would no mere plaything.