With one of my children, the powerful girl in their group of four friends convinced the others—in second grade—to ditch my daughter at recess.
Once in the second grade, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bar.
When my son was in second grade I was the leader of his Cub Scout Den.
I am a student of First Grade and will study at Second Grade later this year.
我现在读小学一年级,今年我将上二年级。 !
One day in the second grade, our class went on a weekend ramble in the countryside.
Tom Domingue was 8 years old and had just finished second grade when he contracted polio.
By the time she was diagnosed, in second grade, she was lagging far behind her classmates.
Historical friends. We all have friends who knew us when we were, say, in the second grade.
July 6, 2006-in a classroom in Lima, Peru, a second grade student holds a book and tries to read.
Second grade teacher Alison Kerr says the main goal is to engage children in the learning process.
二年级教师艾莉森·克尔(Alison Kerr)表示,该课程的主要目标是使孩子们参与到学习过程中。
One day our second grade class at Spring Park School was released early because of a 2 fire drill.
In prekindergarten through second grade, he reads to the kids and talks to them about the stories.
Then read the second grade, there is a boring class I go God, Take the windowsill of the linked play.
Down the hall, the girls in Carol Anderson’s second grade classroom are sitting in groups of three and four.
When I was in second grade, she started an after-school class where she had kids analyze TV shows and commercials.
And I spent part of my second grade year in Sweden, where my father was on sabbatical as a professor of sociology.
That was one kind of woman has conquered man's color, but was not the armor female exceeds the second grade female color.
Last year, in second grade, her son Nathan had twice as much homework as his brothers; this year, her son Jared has the most.
Yesterday, when I walked my children to school, I had a few extra minutes so I accompanied my daughter to her second grade class.
Ever win academy first grade scholarship for three times, second grade scholarship for two times, third grade scholarship for two times.
After learning he was dyslexic in the second grade, he was placed in special education classes and a tutor came to his home three hours a week.
With one of my children, the powerful girl in their group of four friends convinced the others — in second grade — to ditch my daughter at recess.
After he has earned the Wolf badge, a Wolf Cub Scout can work on the 23 Wolf electives until he finishes second grade (or turns 9 years old).
For show-and-tell in second grade, he whipped up a chef's salad; he concocts novel cookie recipes with chocolate, coconut, butterscotch and pecans.
Sam was the one who hit me with a basketball at recess in second grade. And Sam is the one who still calls me the annoying name of Arizoni Macarconi!
In second grade, our teacher lined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkey bars2, swing from one high rod to the next.
In second grade, a schoolmate lent me a copy of "The Arabian Nights" -we both thought it was a book for children-and told me I had three days to read it.
In second grade, a schoolmate lent me a copy of "The Arabian Nights" -we both thought it was a book for children-and told me I had three days to read it.