Acculturation plays great, sometimes even decisive, effect on the second language learning.
Second, a learner's affective state is of crucial importance in the second language learning.
It's a program to help you with your study efficiency, especially for second language learning.
No one can learn a foreign language without committing errors in the process of second language learning.
It has been proved that learning motivation has an undoubtedly evident effect on second language learning.
The language relativity between different nationalities helps to improve the ability of second language learning.
Pronunciation is a key element in a second language learning process which is referred to the soul of a language.
Some research into second language learning suggests that oral fluency may increase with moderate amounts of alcohol.
A study on the second language learning strategies is an important problem between applied linguistics and psychology.
In the process of second language learning, there distinctly exists negative transfer in the meaning and usages of words.
This essay aims to make an analysis of how such affective factors as anxiety and confidence affect second language learning.
In forcing language teaching, people believe that the mistakes in second language learning due to the mother tongue partly or wholly.
The past SLA theories have meaningful exploration of the conditions and rules of second language learning from different perspectives.
Whether "the critical period of language learning" affects the second language learning is a controversial topic in SLA research field.
This study attempts to give some suggestions of the representation of such information from the perspective of second language learning.
In second language learning, feedback refers to the evaluative information available to learners concerning their linguistic performance.
Second language learning (SLL) motivation consists of three components: motivation orientation, motivation intensity and motivation persistence.
The traditional theory of second language learning regards the learner language as one full of errors, and overemphasizes their negative effect.
This research provides certain reference for college English teaching and contributes to improving learners' second language learning efficiency.
Learning motive plays a unique role in second language acquisition of learners and it is a decisive factor to predict the success of second language learning.
They have tried to study second language learning from different perspectives with a view to discover efficient ways to help learners acquire a second language.
In both first and second language learning, learners mainly acquire vocabulary in two ways: explicit vocabulary learning and incidental learning through reading.
The relationship between cultural intelligence and language proficiency has now been a major concern in intercultural communication and second language learning.
In the area of second language acquisition (SLA), the four basic skills in second language learning and teaching have been discussed and explored by many linguists.
In Chapter Three, we introduce some relevant second language learning theories and the individual factors that affect language learning, based on which some strategies are proposed.
Who in their right mind would refute the importance, in second language learning, of whatever it is that a child does (" acquisition ") to be so successful in first language learning?
This current paper gives a critical review on theories of first language acquisition and second language learning, and gives a further introduction on the logical problems of the two.
The aim of second language learning is to possess the communicative competence. English acquisition is the more effective way to help learners to achieve this goal than English learning.
The aim of second language learning is to possess the communicative competence. English acquisition is the more effective way to help learners to achieve this goal than English learning.