The transesterification obeys a second order reaction kinetics.
Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order.
The second order harmonic output matching networks are optimized by load-pull method.
A new second order recursive learning algorithm to multilayer feedforward network is proposed.
So the turbulent diffusivity in gradient transfer model of scalar should be a second order tensor.
The finite time feedback stabilization problem of a class of second order nonlinear system is discussed.
The second order effects of technology usually only arrive when everyone has one, or it is present everywhere.
The curvature is the second order derivative of displacement. Also, it has a liner relationship with stain.
One inherited by the order of succession, no one sequence heirs, successors from the second order of succession.
So as soon as you get away from first order kinetics and go to second order kinetics with multiple steps, it's a mess.
When it is curved, the law of its curvature seems to be at the least of the first and at the most of the second order.
One dimensional shear strain rate gradient formation of the second order is proposed based on the non-local continuum model.
Second order NND scheme was adopted. The pressure distributions of numerical results agree well with the experimental results.
数值模拟采用二阶NND格式求解二维N S方程,计算得到的壁面压强分布与实验结果吻合较好。
In this paper the concept of ability order of learning machine is introduced and a model of second order learning machine is given.
Then, based on defining three conceptions called as the second order spectrum, two theorems about the second order spectrum were proven.
The numerical simulations of the flow field around and aerospike nozzle cell were completed base on N S equations with Second order NND scheme.
The Lagrangian formulation of the critical dynamics is recovered in the second order approximation of fluctuations in the closed time path continuous integral.
The damping ratio is an important characteristic parameter in a second-order system, which has great effect on the dynamic characteristic of the second order system.
The calculating method given in this paper USES only the second order distribution of the random process, not involving the simultaneous distribution of X (t) and X (t).
本文介绍的一种计算方法只用到随机过程的二阶分布而不涉及(t)与x (t)的联合分布。
Making use of equivalent principle of second order effect, the load on middle stories is converted into that at top and the approximate formula for the critical load of the system is suggested.
Pay for things in this order: needs first, goals second, and extras third.
In order to make a nuclear explosion, the critical mass must come together within a fraction of a millionth of a second.
Second, we should often open the windows in order to keep the air in the room fresh.
The importance of such second-order genetic effects is only now being appreciated.
First-order change involves doing better what we already do, while second-order change alters the core ways we conduct business or even the basic business itself.
Golembiewski, Billingsley, and Yeager8 subsequently added another level of change, defining middle-order change as lying somewhere between the extremes of first - and second-order change.
It's a second-order equation in x, and is a parabola and a parabola has this shape.
It's a second-order equation in x, and is a parabola and a parabola has this shape.