I began a second drawer for more general discoveries: new cave system discovered with dozens of nameless species, four hundred species of bacteria found in the human stomach.
The appendix is a spare stomach, intended to aid digestion as a second stop along the route from primary stomach to the large colon.
Instead of blocking histamine, this second medication works by causing the stomach to secret more mucous to coat and protect itself against excess acid.
The second day, he ate a round fruit which tasted tartness but felt comfortable with the stomach. Thus he named it "Dark plum".
The second straw Jin falls out directly from the mouth, and a third Jin, after the straw into the into the stomach, what ring is gone.
Stomach cancer is the fourth most commonly diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide1.
Globally, stomach cancer is the second-greatest cause of cancer death, the authors say, but it is less prevalent in the United States than in some other countries.
The second largest kind of tea-black tea, can warm your stomach, be good for your heart and make your bones stronger.
The second day: early: carrot ginger tea (400 ml) : ditto night: grains porridge one day down you will find little stomach become soft, spirit also focused on.
第二天:早:胡萝卜生姜红茶(400ml) 中:同上晚:杂粮粥一天下来你会发现小肚子变柔软了,精神也集中了。
The second day: early: carrot ginger tea (400 ml) : ditto night: grains porridge one day down you will find little stomach become soft, spirit also focused on.
第二天:早:胡萝卜生姜红茶(400ml) 中:同上晚:杂粮粥一天下来你会发现小肚子变柔软了,精神也集中了。