After establishing itself in the Australian market, Blackgold plans a secondary listing on the Hong Kong Exchange to take advantage of the higher earnings multiples offered there.
Listing 2 shows the RS secondary server online log message when LOG_STAGING_DIR is set at RS secondary server.
Listing 5 shows you how to create the primary document and two secondary documents.
When making markup changes earlier to your secondary nav menu (see Listing 15), you didn't change the link URLs.
Listing 5 shows an excerpt from the message log of the HDR secondary server that is transformed as er server.
Content is further divided into two "blocks," one main and one secondary, as shown in Listing 8.
In Customize me Now 1.1, this page included a secondary navigational menu to help the user move between pages. It is shown in Listing 14.
在Customize MeNow 1.1中,这个页面包含一个辅助导航菜单,帮助用户在页面之间移动,见清单14。
In the working directory of the server named Secondary, create a configuration file named solid.ini, as shown in Listing 3.
在Secondary服务器的工作目录中,创建一个名为solid . ini的配置文件,如清单3所示。
In the working directory of the server named Secondary, create a configuration file named solidhac.ini, as shown in Listing 4.
在Secondary的工作目录中,创建一个名为solidhac . ini的配置文件,如清单4所示。
The fourth chapter ends by listing some of the plans for 2003-2007 and analyzes the present condition of secondary education in Guyana.
For example, a listing on Shanghai's or Shenzhen's stock exchange offers a stronger foothold in China's so-called secondary cities, where rivals are competing fiercely for prime pieces of real estate.
For example, a listing on Shanghai's or Shenzhen's stock exchange offers a stronger foothold in China's so-called secondary cities, where rivals are competing fiercely for prime pieces of real estate.