This was a rare opportunity for Britain's beleaguered secret state to justify itself, and tell its side of the story.
The earliest acronym I could find that I actually recognized as a word was Gestapo from 1934, built on the German words for “secret state police.”
而我找到的最早的、可以看成是一个单词的缩略语则是1934年的Gestapo(盖世太保),来自于德语词“秘密国家警察”(Geheime Staatspolizei)。
Having a baby in her unmarried state would have brought shame on the family in China, so she probably kept my existence a secret.
We're at a state similar to going to a lawyer, and the lawyers try to sell themselves based on secret processes that only they had that would allow you to get a fair shake before a judge.
To let you in on a little secret, under the covers a business process actually implements a state machine.
Mr Shlaim spells out in hitherto unpublished detail the history of secret dealings between the king and the Israelis, from 1963 until 1994, when he signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state.
He secretly confessed in 1964, but his espionage remained a state secret until 1979, when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher publicly outed him and Queen Elizabeth II rescinded his knighthood.
The result is the best-documented, most thorough, and most credible account ever offered of the secret marriage between the apartheid state and Israel.
Whether her affection for the high heel is a fashion preference, or a necessity dictated by her husband's 6' 5.5" (197 cms) height, remains a state secret.
The Conservatives made no secret of their intention to bring forward plans to raise the state retirement age if they won the general election.
It shall be prohibited to transmit any state secret on the Internet or any other public information network or in any wire or radio communication without secrecy safeguards.
From 2002 until 2013, the actors met in secret each year to shoot the movie, which follows an average middle-class family in the southern state of Texas.
They say Vatican police found a stack of secret documents in his home, just inside the walls of the Vatican city state.
This is the secret of building "Rapport"--- a state where two people easily get into harmony.
For it is a secret, both in nature, and state; that it is safer to change many things, than one.
The hearing shall be held in public, except the situation that the case involves any state secret, business secret or personal privacy or the parties stipulate not to hold the hearing in public.
The study of the means of evaluating state science and technology secret is an urgent subject now.
This part analysis the objective acts of the crime of stealing spying buying illegally providing state secret and information for those out of borders.
The declaration form shall be concise, signed by the declarer or its authorized proxy and attached with an abstract which contains no trade secret or state secret.
The modification of the classification level, secrecy period and access scope of a state secret shall be decided by the organ or entity which originally determined the state secret or by its superior.
And the curt truth is that, in a deep secret way, the state of being beloved is intolerable to many.
To determine, change or declassify a state secret of an organ or entity, the handling person shall put forward a specific proposal subject to the examination and approval of the state secret decider.
Transmitting any state secret on the Internet or any other public information network or in any wire or radio communication without secrecy safeguards;
After stage state police holds this clue, track down by following clues, found the Nuojiya about this penates secret eventually the exact clew of boss of mobile phone inn.
Article 31 the sponsor of a meeting or any other activity which involves any state secret shall take secrecy measures, provide secrecy education to attendees and specify the secrecy requirements.
Article 31 the sponsor of a meeting or any other activity which involves any state secret shall take secrecy measures, provide secrecy education to attendees and specify the secrecy requirements.