Cryptography is the art of "secret writing," as the word's Greek roots attest.
The secret of writing was, to go and live in the library two or four days a week for ten years.
The dirty secret is that it turns out lots of programmers actually enjoy writing tests.
Good writing is fun to read, but is often not fun to do. I once asked John Kenneth Galbraith the secret to his success as a popular writer. He said that he revises everything many times.
With this so-called Watermark Ink writing, the chips could also serve as secret code devices.
Even harder to see: ultra-violet pens are perfect for writing secret messages, although you do need a torch to read them, which surely might see suspicion aroused.
更不容易察觉的:尽管你需要一只手电筒才能看到,但是紫外线笔是写秘密信息的完美选择。但是这样做会很容易引起周围人的怀疑。 !
The secret Keeper can tell the secret in writing - like Dumbledore's note to Harry in Order of the Phoenix.
"So you love Grauben," he repeated. "Now, let's use this method to discover the secret of this mysterious Icelandic writing."
This feature is not only a lively description of Derrida's Deconstruction but the secret of Derrida's reading and writing method.
Many companies, including Wall Street finance and consulting firms, come to universities to recruit and make no secret of their preference for candidates with solid writing skills.
The procedure for current review of death sentences, actively instituted with secret trial in writing by the court, is the internal procedure without the legalization of defendant's defense.
The secret of writing good advertising copy is to offer a good idea as well as a product.
It is a great secret in writing, to know when to be plain, and when poetical and figurative. and it is what Homer will teach us, if we will but follow modestly in his footsteps.
Maupassant's great achievement in his writing career proves that the secret of writing lies in lasting resilience, perceptive observation, careful refinement and the exactness of language.
Quite a few literature fans went to him for advice. "Sir, would you share with us your secret for writing so successfully?"
Using fumy cipher, transmission data are kept secret that can prevent others from reading or writing data without permit. It can ensure data security.
"He knows better, for he is writing a history based on an ancient" strictly secret "document called" The Cleft.
By 10th grade he was teaching computers and writing a program that handled class scheduling, which had a secret function that placed him in classes with the right girls.
By 10th grade he was teaching computers and writing a program that handled class scheduling, which had a secret function that placed him in classes with the right girls.