But Pan Tsuei-ping, its recreation section manager, told the BBC that the church will not be used for regular services, but pre-wedding photo shoots and wedding ceremonies.
In the previous section, you configured a shared work path and set up an MI queue manager, so you can move on to third step.
Multiple instances of that application can be dispatched using the Parallel Job Manager (PJM), where each partition processes a different section of the data.
I think the plan in the previous section is all a manager (and a team) needs to grow software, but that might be too radical for some project sponsors.
This section explains the repository operations that either the Project model Manager or a software or data modeler will perform.
The next section presents some test cases to help you answer these questions as they relate to the transaction manager, in the event of a resource manager failure at different points in time.
This section focuses on synchronizing the existing nodes with the newly created deployment manager.
This section describes these new features, how they improve the scalability of Document Manager, and how to enable them.
This section defines the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and introduces some of its features.
这个部分定义了逻辑卷管理器(Logical Volume Manager,LVM),并介绍了它的一些特性。
Find the section of code that creates and sends the selector statement to the Subscription Manager
The Resources section contains a link to detailed instructions for installing and configuring Optim Performance Manager.
The name, theme, and other information about the business space displays in the right section of the business space Manager.
Once the metadata file is created, the metadata is imported into Tivoli Provisioning Manager and the workflows are setup as described in the next section.
If additional information is needed, the Application Manager may be used to specify ports and proxies using the Preferences section.
This section describes how to create the Deployment Manager and custom profiles necessary for our topology, and how they need to be federated to the cell.
As noted in the previous section, WPAR Manager requires a sub-agent to be installed on the ISD agent of all endpoint systems on which WPARs are to be managed.
The Information Model section of Rational asset Manager enables the enterprise to specify the asset types, relationship types, asset attributes, and category schemas.
RationalAssetManager的Infor mantionModel部分能使企业指定资产类型、关系类型、资产属性和分类方案。
This section shows one way to use the Manager via the interpreter to create a device, create a managed set, and deploy a domain to the devices in the managed set.
In this section I'll briefly focus on the organizational structure within which Rational Asset Manager will operate.
You can find additional information in the Rational Quality Manager Information Center section called Setting up integration using the Rational ClearQuest Bridge.
您可以在Rational质量管理信息中心部分中的“使用 RationalClearQuestBridge创建集成”中找到其他的信息。
Increase the amount of memory available for use by Lifecycle Manager by editing the startup-um.bat file as seen in section 4 above.
请按照第4节中的描述,编辑startup - um . bat文件,增加LifecycleManager可用的内存量。
In the IBM Cognos 8 SDK Developer's Guide, the chapter Classes contains a section titled Content Manager Containment Relationships.
This section shows you how Content Manager document routing can be used to accomplish various client tasks.
The sample code provided in the Download section illustrates the interaction between Content Manager and ILOG JRules through a custom event handler.
After a plug-in is installed, it will show up in the "installed Plug-ins" section of the plug-in Manager.
安装插件之后,它将出现在插件管理器的“InstalledPlug - ins”部分。
To install a plug-in in OAT, you need to place the plug-in ZIP file in the plugin_install directory of their OAT installation and then go to the plug-in Manager in the Admin section of OAT.
要在OAT中安装插件,需要将插件ZIP文件放到OAT安装的plugin _ install目录,并在OAT的Admin部分找到插件管理器。
The following section details the steps involved in performing rolling upgrade from 11.50.xc7 to 11.70 with Connection Manager set up using Connection Manager groups.
下面这个小节将详细介绍通过使用ConnectionManager组设置的Connection Manager执行从11.50 .xC 7到11.70的滚动升级的步骤。
This section explains how to develop single sign-on portlets for DB2 Content Manager using LTPA tokens.
这一节将阐述如何为DB 2ContentManager开发使用ltpa令牌的单点登录portlet。
This section provides more detail on the process of installing the WPAR Manager sub-agent. The WPAR Manager sub-agent can be installed in two ways
本节详细解释安装WPARManager 子代理的过程。
Modify the Access section to give inherited access to the Editor and Manager roles as shown in figure 11.
修改Access区段以将继承访问添加到Editor和Manager角色中,如图 11 所示。