You have requested to send mail ONLY in secure mode and therefore the connection has been aborted. Please check your preferences.
You might not see the crypto, but it's there, going into action every time your computer tells you it's going into the secret "secure mode."
Analysis the factors of security, the demands of secure technology and the rules in bank online, discusses the characters of secure mode of bank online.
When configured in high security mode, the secure proxy server will route application requests based on static route data.
CGBS is required if you run the secure proxy server in medium security mode in order to dynamically obtain routing information.
When configured in medium security mode, the dynamic routing information is obtained and used by the secure proxy server.
With a DMZ secure proxy server in high security mode (the default), you are required to supply a file that contains static routing information to the secure proxy server.
对 DMZ安全代理服务器使用高级安全模式(默认设置),您需要为安全代理服务器提供一个包含静态路由信息的文件。
When you use the private browsing mode, your entire Web session is more secure, since no data is retained in the history or cache.
Bash is also ideal for secure environments, having a restricted start mode that can confine a user's ability within the shell to a brief, determinable list of commands.
Recently, frequency-hop communication has been widely used in many military wireless communication domain as a secure transmission mode.
The new upgrade mode: hyper markets marketing center, in addition to showing function, retail and more secure.
Comparing with the traditional voting mode, the electronic one is more impartial, more secure, more efficient and more flexible.
This authentication mode can be used to secure duplex message exchange patterns and requires the service to be configured with the client certificate out of band.
Obviously, if any file has any identity data in it, secure it with user read-write only mode (mode 600) or user read-only mode (mode 400) to prevent you from accidentally overwriting or removing it.
Obviously, if any file has any identity data in it, secure it with user read-write only mode (mode 600) or user read-only mode (mode 400) to prevent you from accidentally overwriting or removing it.