US securities exchange commission rules oblige companies to make a listing once they passed this threshold.
"There seems to be a predominance of short-term thinking at the expense of long-term investing," said Commissioner Daniel Gallagher of the US Securities and Exchange Commission in a speech this week.
本周,美国证交会委员丹尼尔·加拉格尔在一次演讲中表示:“短线思维似乎已占据主导地位 ,其代价是长期投资受损。”
Hundreds more are awaiting approval from the Securities and Exchange Commission (which, worryingly, cannot provide a precise number).
Some have directed their fury at the securities and exchange commission, the US financial watchdog, which failed to spot the fraud.
A requirement for hedge funds to register with the securities and exchange commission and to disclose financial information.
There was a litany of bad business decisions, and some questionable accounting led to Livengood being investigated by America's federal securities and exchange commission.
A spokesman for the Securities and Exchange Commission declined to comment.
Nor can some officials of the Securities and Exchange Commission, it seems.
All fund managers must disclose the net asset value of their funds to Brazil's Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) daily, though with a 48-hour delay.
The abrupt departure was apparently precipitated by a Securities and Exchange Commission court order freezing the firm's assets because of allegations of fraud.
America is not, but new rules from the Securities and Exchange Commission will require firms to reveal what, if anything, they are doing to increase diversity at the top table.
The first, about trends in small manufacturers' profits, was based on a brand-new statistical series from the Federal Trade Commission and the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into the practice, on the grounds that it may favour Wall Street insiders at the expense of retail investors.
In spite of years of defensive lobbying, they are having to reveal all under new Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) rules that have just begun to take effect.
It would have been down to the Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC) to judge, after the placement’s completion, whether it complied with therules.
After numerous tips the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) investigated him.
A spokesman for the Securities and Exchange Commission said the fraud was of shocking magnitude and that has spread around the world.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has intervened in the epic struggle between financial companies and the hedge funds that are short-selling their shares.
The Securities and Exchange Commission says Goldman misled two clients by failing to give adequate disclosure.
Other USES of spam have triggered investigations from the Securities and Exchange Commission as people send out e-mails claiming that certain penny stocks will shoot up.
It would have been down to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to judge, after the placement's completion, whether it complied with the rules.
First, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is good at the tough stuff, bringing plenty of "enforcement actions".
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) frets that looser rules will let key derivative traders, such as hedge funds, off the hook.
A settlement between BofA and the Securities and Exchange Commission over the bank's alleged failure to disclose bonuses at Merrill was recently rejected by a judge.
Meanwhile, the Securities and Exchange Commission promised to "vigorously pursue" its case against BofA for allegedly misleading shareholders about bonuses paid to Merrill Lynch executives.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which must draft the small print, has been swamped with objections.
An internal inquiry by the Securities and Exchange Commission into its failure to spot what he was up to is due to report its findings in a few weeks.
An internal inquiry by the Securities and Exchange Commission into its failure to spot what he was up to is due to report its findings in a few weeks.