As an additional security measure, there is a heartbeat between the appliance and the probe that will alert the administrator if the probe is disabled for any reason.
Browsers don't seem to currently support external or parameter entities in the internal subset, probably as a security measure.
Hopefully, some of these steps will re-establish some of the security that has slipped away in recent years. Because in the end, that is how Joe and I measure progress.
The Bushes have made a point of keeping things as normal as possible, including the looming iron gate that has been erected across the driveway as a security measure.
Next, measure the level of business risk associated with your assets according to your security policies.
For a country like Japan or South Korea, with virtually no domestic energy supplies, nuclear power may be worth the upfront costs if it allows for a measure of energy security.
Project metrics may be inconsistent or difficult to obtain from heterogeneous infrastructures, different processes, or company security boundaries, making it difficult to measure success.
Perhaps Captcha or another security measure to prevent such spamming will be instituted to prevent any such issues.
If the Web server was used as a security measure in the DMZ, then the proxy cannot replace it — but it can sit in the secure zone to help with the routing and load balancing.
So as a security measure, when you delete a Notes document, Notes overwrites the deleted data to prevent anyone from retrieving it.
Augmenting the architecture of Enterprise Web 2.0 with manageability attributes adds configurability, fault resistance, the ability to measure performance, security enforcement, and more.
为EnterpriseWeb 2.0体系结构增加可管理性属性,这样做可以添加可配置性、抗故障能力、性能度量能力、安全强制,以及其他更多功能。
Sealing also provides a security measure to detect code tampering.
It is for this reason that many security companies use retinal scans, or the scanning of the eyes, as a security measure.
The pavement plays an extremely important role in the urban road landscape. Moreover, it is an effective measure to improve the traffic security as well.
What measure of protection should be afforded to the service provider systems from service client channels in the form of workload buffering, security, logging, and so forth?
Each measure implemented to increase the security posture of an organization will impact each of the three risk categories (either positively or negatively).
The author then demonstrates how to segment security architectures into domains and measure security effectiveness through a comprehensive systems approach.
A company's ability to respond to a security incident will be an important measure of insurance coverage.
We, the people, still believe that every citizen deserves a basic measure of security and dignity.
This one is pure common sense. It's a security measure as well as an indicator of high regard.
As each new defensive security measure is implemented, it will change the current security posture and subsequently the potential opportunity costs.
Sovereignty of the class, is a measure of the security of cyberspace, which is not conducive to the views of China's cyberspace sovereignty, we must resolutely correct.
NET has constructed the school information management system, introduced the system overall design. The database access method and the data security guard measure.
In SIP's security measure, the method of the traditional HTTP digest authentication is improved, and the functions of bidirectional identity authentication and key negotiation are supplied.
This article introduces the toxicity, combustibility and explosibility of the coating products and how to adopt the security measure in coating operation in a tank farm.
This security measure does not cover any sort of storage or transmission of the password that can occur due to your application logic.
Network isolation is an important security measure, it aims to restrict network resource sharing, preventing information omitting among different networks.
In order to defense the faults caused by intrusion, people combining the kernel of fault tolerance put forward a new security measure-intrusion tolerance.
In order to defense the faults caused by intrusion, people combining the kernel of fault tolerance put forward a new security measure-intrusion tolerance.