These actions can be security configuration changes, key and certificate management, access control policy changes, bus and other system resources management, and so on.
By using access control matrix, we can achieve the real time and dynamic control of task, which ensures the system security.
According the characteristic of furniture collaborative design, this system establishes task assignment mechanism and discussion region and sets up the access control and security.
The use of the multiple functions of switch in access-control can realize the distribution security system, and implement the security management for the network and the users.
This paper analyzes the security mechanism of SYBASE database management system and the model of Role-based Access Control.
The secure operating system is the base of information system security, and access control is a significant secure mechanism of operating system.
Integration of rural credit cooperatives' credit management system, the generic data access interface and security control implementation of the three-tier framework are analysed and researched.
The system meets the demands of uniform authorization and access control, possessing the merits of good security, high flexible and easy to management.
This paper introduces the basic concept and model of access security control of the database system in a multiuser information system. It also describes its concrete implementation.
The architecture of access control model is independent of the implementation, which makes the system be able to adapt to various security requirements and dynamic changes.
Together with the technology of Access Control, redundant backup recovery and network security, it makes an allround security system.
It made information system, from access system to operate database and sign badge, all these things under security control.
This paper provides two corresponding solutions: one is role-based access control, the other is effective security management to network system, network data and network users.
The paper mainly introduces the components and the related technology of network security access control system and explores the application of this technology on railway information system.
The structure of the system, mail service protocols, mode of messaging, allocation of mailboxes as well as personal security for authentication and access control measures are discussed in this paper.
The security of the information system generally included Data Integrity , Data Confidentiality , Authentication , Access Control , Non-repudiation and so on.
Services such as identification and authentication, authority and access control, non-deniability, confidentiality and integrity are the key elements for the security of the information system.
There are two aspects included in database system security, which is access control security strategy and communication channel security.
Based on the characteristics of real estate evaluation system, system security solution from identity authentication, access control and data backup are discussed.
Therefore, the access control becomes one of the essential functions in information security and is to protect the storage and handling of information in enterprise information system.
To protect user data and system resources from unauthorized access, modern file systems often equip themselves with various security mechanisms such as access control and data encryption.
The system also allows more integration with third-party access control and physical security systems.
This paper takes heading multiple area automatic commerce system (HDPOS5) for example, applied the improved base on position and role access control model to system, ensure the security of the system.
This kind of flexible implementation simplifies the operation of access control and promotes the system security.
It is easy to control, and easy to explant. Finally, the author uses part of the research result in a project-management Information System for examination to realize the security access control.
It is easy to control, and easy to explant. Finally, the author uses part of the research result in a project-management Information System for examination to realize the security access control.