Power system state estimation is the core of electric energy management system and the bases of dispatch, control, security evaluation and so on.
The research on the fault level of tie line is of significance for the security and stability evaluation of power system as well as the preventive control of transient stability.
The realization of power system security and stability control is mainly developing new-style stability control equipment.
For the security and economic of power plant, research the new control method which can overcome the disadvantages of traditional superheat steam temperature control system has important meaning.
In addition, integrated the function of image monitory system, it will certainly improve the real time control for electric power environment and system security.
Vulnerability repair of electric power production and control area secondary system is a necessary and important part of security protection work.
Automatic generation control (AGC) and security constrained dispatching (SCD) are both the crucial measures to keep power system secure, economical and of sufficient quality.
On the basis of that, linear state feedback control law is designed to ensure the stability and security of power system.
In modern power systems, energy control centers play a vital role in guaranteeing the security and optimal operation of a power network system.
Through analysis of the stability of NanBian power supply system in a steel enterprise, under-frequency load-shedding plans and regional security and stability control plans are adopted in this paper.
The decoupled security enhancement algorithm(DSEA) is employed to study the seismic safety of power supply system, and flow load control analysis methods of power system are also gotten.
Using the software EUROSTAG, overspeed protection control model was set up and the effect of OPC on power system security and stability was researched.
The security grade of nuclear power station is high, so the performance demand on Instrumentation and Control System is also high.
To make full use of the WAMS/PMU in the security monitoring, protection and control of power system, PDSR in phase angle-voltage space was studied.
为充分发挥含PMU的广域量测系统(W AM S/PMU)在电力系统安全预警、保护与控制中的作用,研究了节点相角-电压空间上保证暂态稳定的动态安全域的边界性质。
The unique hydraulic design made the system possess high security under the situation of interruption of power supply. The practice proves that it is a brief, dependable, and economic control system.
The nuclear power trade is a trade in which the demand of security grade is high. To guarantee nuclear power station running normally, the control system it used must possess high safety performance.
As the vital control device in the hydraulic power plant, stability of the hydraulic turbine speed governor is a key part to the security and stability of generator set, even to the power system.
All the above can be used as theoretical basis of seismic security analysis and control and economic loss analysis of power supply system.
Dynamic simulation is not only the basic tool for the analysis and control of power system dynamic security, but also the key reference for system operation in a power dispatching center.
电力系统动态仿真既是 电力系统动态安全分析与控制的基本工具,也是电网调度部门指导 电力 生产的主要依据,因此,动态仿真的准确程度直接关系到 电力系统的安全经济运行。
Dynamic simulation is not only the basic tool for the analysis and control of power system dynamic security, but also the key reference for system operation in a power dispatching center.
电力系统动态仿真既是 电力系统动态安全分析与控制的基本工具,也是电网调度部门指导 电力 生产的主要依据,因此,动态仿真的准确程度直接关系到 电力系统的安全经济运行。