The new DB2 9.7 release also offers organizations more options in security management and high availability.
新的DB 2 9.7版本还在安全管理和高可用性方面提供了更多选择。
Another aspect of Security Management that can now be visually created and manipulated is Method Permission.
Delegation component, to provide the ability to delegate the it security management functions to another individual.
A typical process of policy based service security management can be divided into five steps and described as follows.
Security management manages the security context of the relationship and the transactions that pass through the adapter.
In its settlement with BJ's, the FTC used its broad "fairness authority" to penalise bad information-security management.
Import an LTPA exported key (you can export the LTPA key using a WebSphere Application Server security management panel).
Security management and auditing improvements are also a significant portion of what's new in WebSphere Application Server V7.
安全管理和审核改进也是WebSphereApplicationServerv 7中的新增特性的重要组成部分。
Digital library of the University analysis of the threat to network security, made a series of network security management strategy.
This scenario is frequently used when all components are internal, under the same security management and part of the trusted computer base.
According to the design requirements of safety technology, the establishment of industrial control information security management platform.
Individualized security management to ensure that no single authorization id is a security bottleneck that can compromise the enterprise resources.
Security management protects network user resources and devices and the network management system itself is not accessed by unauthorized users.
The main purpose is to manage the lines provide complete, true reconciliation of data to enhance customer and bank funds in security management.
The information security guarantee system framework can be divided into the security management framework and the security technology framework.
Training includes emergency response, security management, industrial health and safety, as well as the emerging discipline of homeland security.
Third -- and where the JDBC specification does not have any corresponding focus -- is security management for enabling secure access to back-end systems.
The main purpose is to manage the lines provide complete, true the reconciliation of data, strengthen customer and bank funds in security management.
The public security administration enforces is realizes the public security management punishment, the maintenance social order one safeguard method.
For portlet and page specific access control management, WebSphere Portal provides a comprehensive security management that lets you control user actions.
The security problem resulting from internal computer network misuse is becoming even more difficult in the researching field of network security management.
For companies deploying service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web services, TFIM provides policy-based integrated security management for federated Web services.
The specification also defines a set of system-level contracts between the J2EE application server and the RAs for connection, transaction, and security management.
Not only that, in order to achieve the enterprise server security management is more comprehensive, but also need to carry out the security of unknown threats.
Organize enterprise security management, it management, and risk management functions to promote efficient exchange of information and leverage corporate knowledge.
SQL is generated by frameworks not programmers, database connections are managed by systems administrators not DBAs, and dynamic SQL complicates security management.
SQL是由框架而不是程序员生成的,数据库连接是由系统管理员而不是DBA 管理的,并且动态 SQL 还增加了安全管理难度。
However, network security is not only a technical problem but also a comprehensive systems engineering of security strategy, security technology and security management.
However, network security is not only a technical problem but also a comprehensive systems engineering of security strategy, security technology and security management.