It's a standard practice for a company like this one to employ a security officer.
A senior provincial security officer said 26 people were killed and 75 wounded.
"There they are!" the security officer shouted, pointing at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.
Who is your company security officer? Is it convenient for you to contact him and get his support?
To be the security officer have to make the report to superior in time if find any security problems.
Every few months the bank's security officer reviewed procedures to follow in case of a bank robbery.
All employees are required to produce and show their ID CARDS to the security officer when requested.
The security officer stepped back, unwilling to engage. He expected the droids to do his fighting for him.
He was not particularly surprised when a security officer in a gray uniform entered and walked straight over.
They should also undergo necessary training given by the master or ship security officer designated by the company.
The aviation security officer shall undertake the concrete work of security under the leadership of the pilot-in-command.
Guest Services manager will go with Security Officer to the said location to investigate and a photo will be taken for reference.
These capabilities include token initialization, security officer PIN initializing and changing, and user PIN initializing and changing.
There are other businesses directives that a Chief Security Officer or a Chief Information Officer might need to express and control.
Ship Security Officer: I'm terribly sorry. Bridge is one of the restricted areas on board. Only authorized persons can have access to it.
If the alarm is initiated from CCTV, the security officer will obtain exact location or area of the fire reported and notify GSC immediately.
The thing about him was, he got started as a security officer but the security force was disbanded on his planet so he found himself out of a job.
The key part of this process is assigning a unique label. The security officer PIN is needed (the default for all IBM-provided tokens is 87654321).
When Security Department received the notice, the Chief Security Officer or duty supervisor take related equipment rushed to the scene immediately.
Alexander Litvinenko, a renegade Russian security officer living in London, was killed by poisoning with polonium, a rare radioactive substance, in 2006.
Set the security officer PIN: Prudent management practice will have the security officer change the security officer PIN immediately after initializing the token.
Alex DE Joode, security officer at global hosting provider LeaseWeb, explains why web designers should always be security conscious to combat Internet threats.
The security officer, who establishes the standards and security rules the applications and the infrastructure must comply with, and perform the appropriate audits.
In May, the company appointed Sony Global Solutions president Fumiaki Sakai as acting chief information security officer -- a position the company didn't have before.
今年五月,索尼公司任命原索尼全球解决方案(Sony Global Solutions)总裁酒井文明为公司的代理首席信息安全官——这是索尼被“黑”后新增设的一个职位。
“Technology can’t solve the problem, just lower the probability of accidents,” explains John Stewart, the chief security officer of Cisco, a maker of networking equipment.
“Technology can’t solve the problem, just lower the probability of accidents,” explains John Stewart, the chief security officer of Cisco, a maker of networking equipment.