The odds of a criminal using technical means to bypass a security system are so small that the FBI doesn't even track those statistics.
罪犯利用技术手段躲过安全系统的几率非常小,小到FBI 都不会追踪这些数据。
Puppet implements a security system that complicates matters, however.
然而,Puppet 会实现一个更复杂的安全系统。
But like any security system, in practice it is only as safe as its weakest link.
A comprehensive social security system is especially meaningful for the disadvantaged groups.
This is extremely useful when bridging the Internet SSO with a corporate intranet security system.
Traveler's should always be aware: no security system is ever going to be foolproof and 100% secure.
Part 1 explains how to use Acegi's built-in filters to implement a simple URL-based security system.
Think of it as having a security guard at a gated community along with your own home security system.
They could also act as a security system or provide Internet connectivity to other things in the building.
with-tcp-wrappers -- This option is required if you want integration with the TCP wrapper security system.
with-tcp-wrappers——如果您希望与 TCP包装安全系统集成在一起,则此选项是必需的。
As part of the implemented security system, the team had to include a certificate as part of the SOAP message.
The safety of housing Environments lies in daily safety system disaster prevention system security system etc.
The message from Governor Mangku Pastika urges people not to panic, but to put their security system to full alert.
Coupled with a weak social security system and rising food prices, this makes the lower-end consumer feel more vulnerable.
The unfunded liabilities of the Social Security system declined as a share of GDP, and the "misery index" fell to under 10%.
HDCP has been less a security system than a tool for shaping the consumer electronics market, and that is unlikely to change.
The urban social security system are gradually established and improved. The rural social security system is also well under way.
The server's security system validates the user against its security registry and obtains other security information about the user.
A rural social security system, for instance, including pension and health care, would need to cover about 800 million farmers.
I'm just saying that in general, secrecy about how your security system works does not improve security, but rather usually the reverse.
In this series of articles, I introduced you to using Acegi security System to enforce both URL-based security and method-based security.
All operations connected with the job are mediated through a standard Microsoft Windows interface that is hooked up to the security system.
Trend has also released today a new version of its Deep security product, a clientless security system for both physical and virtual servers.
Part 1 of this series introduced Acegi and explained how to use its built-in security filters to implement a simple, URL-based security system.
In the first article in this series, I introduced Acegi and explained how to use security filters to implement a simple, URL-based security system.
This is a huge burden. China right now is implementing and popularizing the social security system so as to relieve the worries of the common people.
The elderly have become more miserly because of concern about shrinking retirement funds and the solvency of the nation's Social Security system.
The V8 security system can then fetch the security callback of the object being accessed and call it to ask if another context is allowed to access it.
The V8 security system can then fetch the security callback of the object being accessed and call it to ask if another context is allowed to access it.