When Bill Gates was in the sixth grade, his parents sent him to see a psychologist.
Usually when people are feeling depressed, they go see a psychologist, but food can also lift people's spirits.
I was in denial for some months since my GP first suggested I might be mildly depressed due to stress, and should see a psychologist.
But when you have tried your usual approaches and still feel overwhelmed, it may be time to see a psychologist or other mental-health professional.
If people see a therapist, psychologist or a healer, they silently presuppose that these experts have some superior knowledge or skill which can help them solve their issues.
To see how people deal with more realistic choices, Joshua Greene, a psychologist at Harvard University, and his undergraduate student Katie Ransohoff, turned to medicine and public health.
The Psychologist says, "Well let's see what we can find out", and pulls out his ink blots. "What is this a picture of?" he asks.
Very few of them would see themselves as a psychoanalytic practitioner or as a Freudian psychologist.
Women who see an older man showing off his abs will just think he is silly, according to a clinical psychologist.
One experiment was designed by psychologist Robert Miller and his colleagues to see if a monkey could interpret another monkey's facial expression, a presumed indicator of emotion.
San Francisco State University psychologist Deborah Schooler added that "People see the same images over and over and start to believe it's a version of reality."
Suggest that the person see a professional - a medical doctor or a mental health provider such as a licensed counselor or psychologist.
The book's author Ian Wallace, a dream psychologist, said those typical dreams reflect fundamental life patterns and, by understanding them, you can see your life in a new light. Here is an example.
Maybe because men enjoy so much power and prestige in society, there is a tendency to see boys as shoo-ins for success, " says child psychologist Michael Thompson."
Maybe because men enjoy so much power and prestige in society, there is a tendency to see boys as shoo-ins for success, " says child psychologist Michael Thompson."