At all the attractions there is helpful information, so please read as much as you can, and if you want to see what you've remembered, please do the quiz after your visit.
If you please, I must take a little time to work that out, and see just what it comes to.
If you see it, please take it to the teachers' office.
If you see somebody doing something bad for the food chain, please stop him at once.
If you don’t see these features today, please hold on just a little while longer – everybody will be upgraded this summer.
Please refer the other articles written by this author if you have any difficulty making this example work with DB2 (see "Resources)."
如果您在用DB 2完成这个示例时有任何困难,请参考由该作者所写的其他文章(参阅“参考资料”)。
Second thing is, if you have an MIT documented special need for taking quizzes, please see John or I well in advance.
Incidentally, if you experience problems accessing the files, please report them on the ananas-discussion mailing list (see Resources).
Note: If you are unfamiliar with GIS terms such as projection and shapefile, please see Resources for a link to the developerWorks article "Using geospatial data in applications on Linux using GDAL."
注意:如果您尚不熟悉GIS术语,比如projection和shapefile,请参阅参考资料 部分,内有题为 “Usinggeospatialdatainapplicationson Linux using GDAL”的developerWorks文章的相关链接。
If any of you are planning to be on Interstate 95 this summer, and you see a poor guy's sanity lying there, could you please let me know?
Each technique deserves more coverage than we've given it here, so if you want to see another article on a specific technique, please let us know.
If your eyes are not in pain and you do not see any flashes of light, then please do yourself a favor and never subject yourself to surgery.
That's about all I see. Please tell me if you think I overlooked something or about the big hidden drawback I didn't think about.
If you want to change lectures, please go to Hillary or Lori, and arrange it because as you can see, some people don't have a seat.
Clerk: we need to see your ID card and if you are foreigner, please show your passport as well.
If you are interested in learning more about active patterns please see this blog post from Don Syme, which includes a link to a paper which gives more details about the active pattern design.
如果你有兴趣学习更多关于活动模式的知识,可以看看Don Syme写的这些博客文章,其中包括了一个论文的连接,这个论文提供了关于活动模式设计的更多细节。
If you encounter any problems, please refer to the Python installation guide available at the Python Web site (see Resources.)
如果您遇到任何问题,请参考pythonWe b站点(请参阅参考资料)上的Python安装指南。
If you like an idol, please be certain to go to watch a scene of his vocal concert personally. See for youself to have a good look at him.
I'll show you the specific configuration I used for this implementation; if you need more information, please refer to the heartbeat Web site and read their documentation (see Resources).
Please SHARE this color blindness quiz to see if your friends and family can do as well as you!
This appears to have been removed from SWFC's site, but I have retained a copy. Please write to me if you want to see it.
I'm going out to drive around to see if I can find them. Please call my wife as soon as you have any information.
Maria: he disappeared about a year ago. I'm sure he's here. If you see him, please let me know.
Maria: he disappeared about a year ago. I'm sure he's here. If you see him, please let me know.