They didn't see any seals, but they saw some sharks.
That morning, I once again stuck my head into the attic, and this time I almost screamed…Not from what I saw, but from what I did not see.
For instance, witnesses sometimes see photographs of several suspects before they try to identify the person they saw in a lineup of people.
Pinocchio, greatly frightened, looked about him to see whence the words had come, but he saw no one.
As global markets continue to see-saw on the verge of another recession, central banks across the world face a difficult balancing act of monetary policy.
We might even see-saw between both counterproductive poles.
I am trying rather to see him as his own friends and contemporaries saw him. And they without exception regarded him as one of the greatest of men.
Mike: no, I just saw the car drive away. I didn't see Larkin. Where's he going now?
The old theories were popular, had public appeal and "many people saw what they wanted to see" instead of carefully interpreting the data, he said.
Mike: No, I just saw the car drive away. I didn't see Larkin.
That he didn't see what Ivetta saw had been precisely the origin of the conversation, and so her answer did nothing to clarify things.
My Grandma Thompson even called me Little Rick, though I did not see the similarities that she saw.
You'll see all the reports you saw in earlier versions, plus a few new options and features.
You can stand on the same spotswheresChina’s most powerful emperors have stood. Your eyes will see the same green mountains they saw.
Mr. See owned a saw and Mr. Soar owned a seesaw.
As the tarpon swam through the silversides, they eventually saw me and turned away. Just like you see in the picture.
I first saw the Eskimo, and will, I suppose, always first see what I first saw there, as if the Indian was mere afterthought.
I wanted to see the world from a perspective most people don't, then come home and share all the amazing stories with others so they could see what I saw.
Where I once saw only poverty, I learned to see systemic inequality and the possibility of change.
But one day he heard a strange noise at his feet, and when he looked down to see what it could be, he saw a stone-cutter driving tools into his surface.
You see the same methods that you saw in the editor when you typed the period after session.
Reflects the Peugeot saw three advantages: well-serrated teeth like lion's wear, saw themselves as the backbone of the lions flexible, see-saw performance like lions are to clear.
We fly with him to the United States and see it, as he saw it, with envy and a touch of disbelieving mockery.
Chua might see these mercies as indulgences, I'm thankful my parents saw them as a matter of course.
Chua might see these mercies as indulgences, I'm thankful my parents saw them as a matter of course.