Old biographers have got something extra: they've lived a long life themselves. They're more able to see things in perspective.
"Writing it helped me see things more from her perspective," Dr. Tannen, 60, said in an interview this month in New York.
By personally responding to every request, we force ourselves to sit in our customers shoes and see things from their perspective.
Before the interview, put yourself in the interviewer's shoes to see things from their perspective.
Try to look at your ‘enemy’ from a new perspective; try see some positive qualities in that person, think of some good things they have done.
It's definitely a challenge because Filipino startups are forced to see things in a global perspective from the get-go.
If it's in the thinking stage, even though our work suggests it's harder work to see things from a different perspective, it's much more within your reach.
You might want to look ahead to Figure 29 to see what the final process looks like to help keep things in perspective.
Can you see that if you put things into perspective, your remaining time in duality is but a blink of the eye and really nothing to worry about.
My photography is a way for me to participate in a small measure on the creative side of the Free Culture movement, and helps me see things from that perspective as well.
My photography is a way for me to participate in a small measure on the creative side of the Free Culture movement, and helps me see things from that perspective as well.