Sad to say, these facts make little or no impression on the flesh-eaters who seek refuge in the plant-killing argument.
I seek refuge in the Palace, a newly opened "historic" Arabian hotel, part of a freshly minted district called Old Town.
When placed in a box with light and dark compartments, most mice tend to seek refuge in the dark sections-but not the germ-free mice.
Venezuelans often try to seek refuge from their country's troubles in the delights of their national sport.
Only when some of the cavalry got him onto a horse and escorted him from the field was he able to escape to seek refuge in Turkish territory.
And there was nothing unexpected in the identity of the next country to seek refuge from the markets.
It's the perfect time for family and friends to watch horror films on the TV in the dark and maybe seek refuge behind the sofa!
Starved for jobs at adequate pay, the millennials tend to seek refuge in college and in the military and to put off marriage and child-bearing.
The birds kept singing, the animals did not seek refuge in advance.
Policymakers must reform the laws and provide greater rights to people forced to seek refuge in other countries due to climate change.
In most cases, seek refuge with the function of resolving contradictions.
In the marketplace in Baghdad this morning Death gave me a threatening look and so I have fled the city to seek refuge here.
In this present day prequel, the robot invaders attack the Earth, forcing a small band of humans to seek refuge below the surface of the planet.
In this present day prequel, the robot invaders attack the Earth, forcing a small band of humans to seek refuge below the surface of the planet.