Many of us thrive on competition, but it can seep into areas of our lives where we do not want it.
The very reason that clichés so easily seep into our speech and writing—their insidious memorability—is exactly why they played such an important role in oral storytelling.
It's coldness seemed to seep into her soul.
But the Botox will slowly seep into your muscles.
Don't let it seep into other items on your schedule.
Pollution in soil can seep into ground water and appear later in Wells...
All the three factors seep into each other, influence each other and form th...
This new wave of research will not seep into the public realm in the form of militant atheism.
I recommend that you read it every night for a month until the ideas seep into your soul.
The iconic reef is being damaged by pesticides and sediment from farms that seep into waterways.
Working out is an expression of self-care, and this will seep into other parts of your life.
Strength in the market for rentals is beginning to seep into the more troubled owner-occupied sector.
But Sally and I could also feel a fog of misery seep into the room as we watched Lizzy spring into Marlena's lap.
Perchloroethylene residue from dry cleaning processes can also seep into drinking water, causing a variety of problems.
Green campaigners say refrigeration or dry ice is a good alternative to formaldehyde, which can seep into the water system.
Seal leaks around Windows, doors, electrical outlets, and other spots where particulates and gases can seep into your house.
Inadvertently, he also lets flame retardants, bunker oil and heavy metals seep into the mighty ocean, and often invasive species too.
As you toss back your coffee, you feel the warmth of the place seep into your bones and know that this is what Americana is all about.
A low pressure infuses to grout the technique in floodgate prevent from seep into handle, the technique parameter etc. are introduced.
As the Web becomes an increasingly important influence on the enterprise, we're beginning to see Web technologies seep into systems architecture and thinking.
Strip mining is efficient, but scars the land and bauxite processing releases a toxic red sludge that can seep into water supplies if not adequately contained.
露天开采(strip mining)很有效率,但会给大地留下伤疤,而且加工铝土的过程会释放有毒污染物,如果没有适当的控制,这些污染物会渗入水中。
Residents from Wyoming to Pennsylvania fear that the chemicals will seep into aquifers and pollute water supplies, and in some cases they complain it already has.
The discussion represents an emerging law of Enterprise 2.0 Inevitably, a consumer trend in the social technology space will start to seep into the business world.
The discussion represents an emerging law of Enterprise 2.0 Inevitably, a consumer trend in the social technology space will start to seep into the business world.